Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 15, 2010

I'm doing pretty good.

Haven't had any headaches since the surgery.

My neck swells easily so I keep ice on it and continue with Motrin.

I went out for two hours with my mother yesterday and did pretty good; with the exemption being a very swollen neck.

The coughing is still pretty intense and I'm up most of the night with that. One day left on the current antibiotics and steroids. I will be calling the doctor tomorrow to let her know there isn't any change with the cough.

My neck swells when I do too much... My arm no longer gives me problems during the night. The only time I have problems with my arm is when my neck is swollen.

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010

Thank you all for your prayers! God is good and I am feeling great!

I haven't been able to respond to many of you, but please know that I appreciate the prayers, thoughts, cards, emails, phone calls, flowers, clean house, Facebook comments, and everything else that has been sent my way.

This update is from me; at least this one is... I can't promise that I will be the author of the next one, but I am taking this one day at a time.... so here goes.

The last few days have consisted of a little more pain then usual. I slipped and fell in the shower on Friday; I don't think additional injury was done but it has caused a greater amount of pain.

No more stand alone showers for me... for the immediate future it means that I will be showering supervised with a shower chair.

I'm not sure if life can get any more humbling then wearing diapers and now showering supervised with a shower chair... lol.

The COPD symptoms have been increasing; this means my mother and I have been getting up several times each night for breathing treatments and medications. Additional medications were added but they didn't make any difference. The doctor called today to tell me she is starting me back on antibiotics and steroids as of tonight.

My daughter spent a couple days in the hospital last week with a headache that just won't go away. They are sending her to UCLA for further testing... this will take place in a couple weeks. I'm trusting God that these are migraines that can be controlled with medication. Meanwhile, please keep her and her family in your prayers.

My father has been staying busy around the house getting many handyman projects done... this has been wonderful!

And last, I have a goal to meet! My little Nathanial is turning 1 on the 19th of this month... can you believe it? My goal is to make it to his 1st Birthday party!

Love to all,


Friday, May 7, 2010

May 6, 2010

Staples removed today so hopefully itching will subside. Still not feeling tip top. The prescription cough syrup did help, however, so fewer night time breathing treatments. This helps Diana's mother get more sleep, too, as she administers the treatments. Diana's dad is going strong with household projects for Diana.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May 4, 2010

Diana went to see her Primary Care Physician today. She was given a prescription cough syrup to try and squelch her cough instead of the steroids and antibiotic like before. Hopefully this will give her the rest she is not getting at night. One staple came out by mistake. Her scar is really itchy.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Diana is still not sleeping well due to the cough. She will be seeing her surgeon this Thursday. Her left arm has not felt this good in years and does not cause her pain at night. Movement is getting better.

The right shoulder that was hurt in bed transferring after surgery is much better too. She is very, very tired today.