December 7, 2007
Christmas is just around the corner, I can’t believe it! This is a wonderful time of the year when we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
(Matthew 1:21-23 “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" which means, "God with us.")
My grandson, Nicholas will be turning 5 on Monday! Wow, it seems like just yesterday that he was born. And on that note… Congratulations to Nicholas’ Grandpa Cesar and Grandma Alicia as they will be giving Nicholas another uncle or auntie in about seven months.
Earlier this week my father had his pacemaker and defibrillator replaced. He is suffering from congestive heart failure and had slowed down to a crawl. Having this surgery has given him a new lease on life, he feels like a new person.
I have had several doctor visits over the past week and this has absolutely exhausted me. Additionally, the migraines seem to have overtaken my life at this point. I do have some new information, so here goes.
I am still wearing a knee brace on my left knee, eventually, somewhere down the road, I will probably need surgery. As you will read on this is the very last thing on my list. However, the doctor feels that it is better to be certain about what is wrong with the knee rather than continuing to guess. I will go in on December 18th for an MRI on the knee.
My vision is still good; this is something that is checked out every year because of my being diabetic. With the diabetes being as bad as it is, I must give the credit to God for protecting my eyesight.
Some of the other problems that I have been having are: neck pain, migraines, ear pain, ringing and crawling in ears, numbness in face, numbness in extremities, falling, dropping things, dizziness, forgetfulness, and at times, difficulty with speaking.
I had been sent to an ENT, (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor to determine if any of this was an inner ear problem. Just before Thanksgiving he had ordered a test called an ENG, the test came back showing that something was not right.
This past Tuesday (Dec 4th), my ENT sent me for an MRI & MRA on my neck, brain, and head (and yes, I still have a brain). They told me that my doctor would have the results on Friday (Dec 7th), to make an appointment for then, I did.
The phone rang yesterday (Thursday, Dec 6th), it was my ENT. As soon as he told me who he was I knew that I should probably grab a pen and paper. He then asked if anyone had called to go over the tests results with me (at this point I figured the news wasn’t going to be great). He continued with the good news, reassuring me that there were no lesions (tumors) on my brain.
He continued on saying that my vertebral artery is 70% blocked. This artery is located behind the spinal cord at the brain stem.
Apparently there are two vertebral arteries and my right one is the one that is blocked. This makes sense as my left side is the weak side according to the ENG test.
Anyway, this artery leads directly to the cerebellum, the bottom part of one’s brain. This part of the brain is responsible for sensory perception and motor control.
I believe this is also what is responsible for the horrific migraines I am suffering from. They always start right were this blockage is located. Also, this is the reason why I have started to fall and drop things.
This is as much as I know. My next step as of now is to see neurologist on December 19th. I have many, many questions, as I am sure you probably do. I just don’t know anymore than I have given you here.
As for now I am counting my blessings that God gave my ENT the wisdom to order the tests he did and that he gave those who interpreted the tests the sight to see this blockage.
Prayer request ~ I would ask that you continue to pray wisdom for my doctors and for those who are reading the tests. That any needed authorizations will continue to have instant approval. And finally, that between now and the time that something is done that I don’t have a strokeJ.
Still no court date, please continue to pray for that to come soon.
(Psalm 18:2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.)
Love Always,
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