Sunday, March 23, 2008

March 23, 2008 ~ Weekly Update #26

Happy Easter!

(Mathew 28:5-7, 9KJV
5 But the angel answered and said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.
6 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
7 And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you.”
9 And as they went to tell His disciples behold, Jesus met them, saying, “Rejoice!” So they came and held Him by the feet and worshiped Him.)

He Lives! He Lives! He is my reason for living!

Because He lives I can face tomorrow…
Because He lives all fear is gone…
Because He lives I can face uncertainty…
Because He lives I know He holds the future…
I’d really like you to watch this; make sure you have your speakers on!

The video you just watched and listened to blessed me in many ways. I’ve also been thinking of my very dear friend Annette who is dealing with the death of her mother-in-law and the unexpected death of her father within the same week. Annette’s father, Fred, was a wonderful man who I was fortunate enough to have the pleasure of meeting a year ago and getting to know a little better over the past year.

PR (my pastor) sent an email to me yesterday including the above scripture and hymn; at the time of sending the email he had no idea what this was weeks update was to include or what his email was going to mean to me.

As you read on I want you to laugh with me… for the betterment of my physical body I can’t allow myself to get upset. So, I spend time in the Word of God and go to prayer! Please join me in both prayer and in laughter as you read thru this weeks update.

I did receive one piece of mail from the Social Security office this week… I thought, ‘yippee’! Don’t get so excited… it was asking me to confirm how much money I had received in the workers compensation settlement, huh? Yea, don’t I wish (nothing intended toward my old employers who are reading this)! There never was a workers compensation case, just a plain old disability case.

I just love our government and everything that goes along with it (my daughter works for our federal government so I will watch what I say). However, if you think they made a minor mistake on the fact that I was injured on the job instead of my body prematurely aging then just wait until you here what else I have to tell you.

As I begin this story see how long it takes you to figure out where it is going!

I’ve repeated myself enough times that you all know as of March 31st (my daughter Jennifer’s 25th birthday) I lose my health insurance. As I have also mentioned, because I don’t yet have MediCare I am applying for MediCal.

Well, do you remember back to that wonderful couple who loaned me money to see me thru until my Social Security money came thru? To make everything official they had the money wired into my checking account… sounds like a great idea so far, right.

Let’s go back to our wonderful government for a moment shall we? Even though this money is a loan, even though I can produce a promissory note, even though this couple will go to bat for me stating that this was strictly a loan; our government says that according to my bank records I make too much money to qualify for MediCal!

Okay, get up off the floor and stop laughing!

So that you know, I am going to fight this with everything in me! It may take everything in me, but I will fight it. I have worked since I was 14 years old, some years I would work two jobs at a time and I think at one small point in my life I even worked three jobs at one time. I don’t think I am asking for much, I really don’t understand!

Okay, let’s go back to the beginning of this update… Because He lives I can face uncertainty! You know what, my Jesus is alive, He has risen, and He already knows what my future holds.

My Jesus already knows how I am going to obtain my now very much needed prescriptions (approximately 30 different prescriptions). My Jesus knows how I will obtain the very best medical care if or when I need it. My Jesus already knows every step, every fall, every twist and every turn I will take between now and the time I receive medical insurance again.

I had mentioned that I had a small stockpile of med’s… those med’s have now been diminished. Why? On Friday I went to the doctor, he increased the dosage on all the med’s that I had stockpiled.

While at the doctor on Friday I learned a little more about some of my ‘conditions’.

The fatigue, not such a big deal, I don’t think anyway (?). My doctor believes that this may be sleep apnea; he is trying to get me in for a sleep study this coming week. I am not at all familiar with sleep apnea; Celia (a friend from church who took me to the doctor on Friday) was explaining what she knew about it to me. My mother explained what she knew about it. Besides that, I know nothing! I’m not even sure if that is what my problem is. I certainly don’t mean to belittle this if it is a serious condition that any of you or someone you know is suffering from. I just don’t know enough about it.

Another guess to the fatigue could be diabetes… the doctor said he ‘guesss’ because he only has 6 days to work with me on this. He said he is sticking with his first guess of my problem being sleep apnea.

The kidney ‘damage’ that was mentioned before is called nephrotic syndrome, it’s when protein leaks from one’s kidneys. The current treatment for this will be a continuing attempt to control my diabetes. However, this means that my diabetic medication has been greatly increased, taking up my reserve.

My feet… the doctor believes that there are several problems with my feet. Tarsal tunnel, achilles tendonitis, arthritis, along with the neuropathy increasing. The first three are educated guesses from initial x-rays and pain location; the neuropathy had been pre-diagnosed.

Oh, and the vitamin d level that my doctors nurse called me about. Well apparently my vitamin d level isn’t low, it’s nonexistent. I am to immediately start on 50,000 units of vitamin d for the next 6 weeks and then have another blood test. (Can you say cha ching) My doctors greatest concern with this is that the lack of vitamin d effects ones bones; because I tend to fall (more often than I should), I have a greater chance then most of breaking bones.

How shall I put this, after finding out that I only had 6 days of insurance left and that his staff hadn’t properly communicated with me in regards to getting me started on new med’s, my doctor wasn’t very happy.

I must say this doctor has been God sent… in saying our goodbyes, he told me to keep in touch with him, to email him (yes, I have his email address). He will keep an eye out for any samples that come in that will benefit me and will put them aside for me. I told him not to get too comfortable, that I’d be back… like it or not. Once I receive approval for MediCare I will be back to bother him again.

This doctor was truly my safety blanket… I’ve had him for over 6 years… I really feel as though I am lost.

Every time I feel as though I have given my Lord all my cares, all my worries, all my thoughts, all I have, He asks that I give Him just one more thing. I will once again turn my worries over to my Lord. As I have written before, I do trust that my Lord, my Jesus, wants the very best for me.

He also wants me to put all my faith in Him and that is exactly what I intend to do. Is it easy, absolutely not, it’s a daily effort. But I will tell you this; it’s worth ever ounce of effort.

If I honestly had to worry about what my future holds I would be a wreck right now.

I have no idea what my future holds, but I know that I have a risen Savior, One who died on the cross for my sins and for your sins. My Savior, Jesus Christ, cared so much for me and you that He came to this earth and gave His life so that you wouldn’t have to carry the burden that you are carrying right now.

He wants to take your burden, to take your pain, to walk with you and talk with you. He has a free gift of eternal life waiting for you; all you need to do is to receive His gift of salvation and turn from your sin.

Is it easy? You see my life, you decide! My life is truly different then it was three years ago… three years ago I had a job, home, car, the start of declining health and no relationship with Jesus Christ. Now I have a relationship with Jesus Christ and that’s all that matters to me. Would I change my life for anything? Not a chance. I love my Jesus and there is nothing that you could give me in exchange for Him.

When I get to heaven I will get a new body, free of pain and suffering! I will get to spend eternity with my Lord and for that I can’t wait. As for now, I will continue to rely upon my Lord holding my future.

I would love to talk with you more about my Lord and what He has to offer you.

I love you all,


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