Saturday, August 28, 2010

Update - My Father

There are few things in life that one can be certain of... but the one thing I know is that my God reigns, He is in control, and regardless of what this life brings He is good all the time. His ways are perfect and He is always worthy to be praised.

This update is primarily for friends and family... yes, you all are my friends, but the next few updates will be regarding my parents and those who know them.

I do apologize for the bluntness of this note but is seemed to be the easiest way of contacting everyone who knows my parents, both family and friends.

Those who know my father are already aware that he has had a heart condition for the last 30 or so years. Through his life he has had several heart attacks, two open heart surgeries, many bypasses, and angioplasties. For the last several years he has suffered from congestive heart failure, has a pace maker and a defibrillator.

This past Wednesday afternoon at 4:00pm (EST) I had a conversation with him on the phone; by 4:30pm he was calling 911 and complaining of chest pains. Today as I write this he is hanging on to life.

He currently has a blocked artery located behind his heart; this is inoperable due to the weakness of his heart.

The lower part of his heart is working with the aid of a pacemaker. The upper part of his heart is fluttering and not functioning. This coming Monday, at 2:00pm (EST) they will take him into surgery (6 - 8 hours) with an attempt at restarting the upper part of his heart.

The doctors are at a crossroads with keeping his blood thin enough to allow flow through the blocked artery and yet not to thin as to where he will bleed out (he is currently having constant nose bleeds).

The primary concern are blood clots and the possibility that he will stroke out... for our family and the doctors, this would be worse then his passing away.

Without going into further detail... it does not appear that my father will be coming home from the hospital; but instead passing on into eternal with His Lord and Savior.

My sister arrived in Florida this evening and my Aunt Shirley will be arriving their tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Please keep my aunt in prayer as well; she has dealt with the loss of many in her life to include her husband, mother, and most recently her son.

I'm sending this out to ask for a couple of things, the first is for prayer... in regards to my father, that God would extend his mercy and prevent my father from having a stroke; but most importantly, that God's will be done in my fathers life.

Then, prayer for my mother; please ask God to carry her through this; she is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted.

And finally, to those of you who know my parents... If you could take a few moments and write my mother and father a short note of encouragement I would personally appreciate it. Please email them to me at and I will forward it on to them. Our goal is to receive them by Sunday evening so that they can be read to my father & mother before his surgery on Monday. Send whatever is on your heart... a scripture, prayer, or a simple note would be wonderful.

I'm sure this is confusing, so I apologize... I'm very tired at the moment but felt the need to get this out as I wanted to give everyone a chance to send him a note.

Please forward this information on to those who will pray and to those who you think might want to know.

Love to all,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praying for you and your dad, sis.