Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18, 2010

This post is in direct response to the many who have asked for an update...

Friday, November 12th:
Mom came home from the hospital; she needed a few days to get comfortable but seems to be getting stronger with each passing day.

Last Friday also meant a dental appointment for me... I had been suffering from some semi-intense pain over the last few months. The x-rays showed that I needed two root canals... the two teeth were back to back.

One of the teeth bothered me significantly more than the other so that was the tooth that was pulled. Why did I have it pulled instead of having the root canal done? Hmm... I don't have dental insurance... Root Canal $790 vs Tooth Extraction $250... the decision wasn't difficult.

The dentist gave me seven stitches in an attempt at avoiding a dry socket. I've had many pulled teeth and with nearly each one came a dry socket; so I was really hoping this was going to work.

Going back on the 22nd to have the stitches removed.

I was started on a round of antibiotics to fight off any infection... I was personally hoping it would aid in my breathing.

Saturday, November 13th:
Saturday was a good day for the most part... Saturday evening the area of the extraction began to hurt.

Sunday, November 14th:
The pain was increasing and nothing seemed to bring relief.

Monday, November 15th:
Went to the dentist... an infection had set in (it appears that my body has built up a resistance to Zithromax aka Z Pack). I was started on Clindamycin and began to feel a bit better.

Tuesday, November 16th:
The new antibiotic continued to bring relief for me.

Mom is continuing to improve... but it appears that she tore her rotator cuff when she fell. She cannot lift her arm and it is causing her a significant amount of pain. She will most certainly need surgery to repair her shoulder; it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when.

She's been through this once before and if you've ever had it done you know it can be a very painful recovery. Regardless, it's something that will need to be done eventually.

Wednesday, November 17th:
Tuesday night was the first night that I slept through without cough syrup... these new antibiotics have started working on my breathing!

My oral pain continued to decrease in the area of the extracted tooth but began to increase in the tooth next to it that is in need of a root canal.

Mom has continued to improve and dad went to his daily compression therapy.

While at compression therapy dad began to experience chest pains and was sent to the hospital. Many tests were run and it was determined that he did NOT experience a heart attack. Instead, it was a reminder that he is not a healthy man; that he has congestive heart failure, and that there are many more times like this ahead of him. He was released and sent home Wednesday night.

Thursday, November 18th:
I was up most of last night (Wednesday night) in pain from my tooth... I called the dentist this morning and it's been decided that I will have my 2nd tooth pulled tomorrow.

By the way... the stitches seem to have done the trick... no dry socket! Let's see if the same holds true after this next tooth is pulled.

Friday, November 19th:
I think that I'm looking forward to getting this 2nd tooth pulled... I'll let you know later in the week.

Mom will be going to get her hair done tomorrow (this is the first time since the fall - 6 1/2 weeks ago). After that she is hoping to be attend the funeral for the very young daughter of a co-worker who passed away unexpectedly.


I received some new lab results and even a new diagnosis... but those details will wait for later as I need to get some ice on my face in hopes of eliminating some of this pain.

But before I close, thank you to a wonderful friend who sent me a gift card a couple weeks ago. And more thanks for all the food that has come my way this week; another incredible delivery from Children's Hunger Fund, individuals who have dropped off bags of groceries, and then some amazing cooks who have made some wonderful meals...


O, How I Love Jesus

That is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth!
It sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth.

O, How I Love Jesus; O, How I Love Jesus!
O, How I Love Jesus, because He first loved me.


I John 4:19
19 We love Him because He first loved us.

With love,


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