First a very Happy Birthday to PR… Pastor Ron! Happy Birthday to someone who means so much too so many!
He celebrated his birthday this past week; at least I hope it was a celebration :) I know once you start getting as old as he is you really need to decide whether to celebrate the fact that you can still move around or mourn how painful it is to do the same things you were able to do a year ago. (hehehe)
My apologies for failing to mention the following in a timelier manor…
In memoriam of the four additional families who have suffered a loss in the last couple months:
A young bride at our church (Rebecca) lost her mother after battling cancer; her mother did make it to Rebecca’s wedding and for that there is much to be thankful for. Please remember her in your prayers as her husband is due to be sent to Iraq in the next couple weeks.
Another friend at church (Kathy) said goodbye to her father after a lengthy illness.
My friend Stephen, (Jeralynn’s husband) lost his mother; this after suffering a stroke three years ago.
And most recently, my friend Mary who walked into her daughter’s bedroom, only to find that she had passed on.
As for me it has been a long few weeks… I do believe that I had slipped into a bit of depression. My expectations over the last month were that I would feel 100% better, that hasn’t been my experience.
I have felt better… I’ve been able to get around much easier, much quicker, my thought process has continued to improve, I am able to hold my head up now for a couple hours at a time, and I’m only sleeping about 9 hours a day. I may not sleep 9 hours straight and it may not be during the hours in which I should be sleeping, but none the less it’s much better than the 12 – 15 hours I was sleeping every day.
The bit of depression that I was feeling was related to what my own expectations were versus reality. I was hoping that I would be able to get up in the morning, clean the house, work in the yard, go grocery shopping, play with Nicholas when he came home after school, and have dinner ready for the kids when they come home from work.
Reality has been that I can take a shower and make a meal every day… along with that I try to exercise a bit (go for a short walk), and do something small each day. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the improvement in which being on oxygen has given me. I was just expecting so much more.
After putting on paper how my life has improved over the last several weeks I now have a greater since of appreciation as to the small changes that have occurred.
I must say that after all these weeks I haven’t had any headaches, none that caused me to be bed ridden anyway. No headache that is until yesterday… the inside of my nostrils had been drying up from the constant use of oxygen so I took a bit of a break (about 24 hours). Just enough time to apply some cream and allow things to go back to normal. Well, wouldn’t you know it; I ended up with a headache that sent me straight to bed. It took about 12 hours of being back on oxygen, lying in a cold dark room with ice packs surrounding my head, and taking extra doses of migraine meds, but the headache finally went away.
I’m now certain that this added bit of oxygen has certainly helped my headaches ~ I am so very grateful for that!
There were no surprises at my doctor visit last week; it was just a quick visit in and out. I’ve been looking thru all the different secondary insurances that are offered. I thought that I had finally found one but it was going to cost me over $700 / month. My doctor told me to check out SCAN; I had forgotten to look into it, I believed it was only for those 65 yrs and older. I finally got around to calling yesterday and found out that I do indeed qualify. The great news is that it doesn’t sound like it will cost me a thing. I will be meeting with a representative from SCAN this coming week to find out the details.
I welcome any comments from those of you who are familiar with SCAN; be it positive or negative, I would love to hear what you have to say.
Regarding my income, I have found out that instead of the $650.00 per month that I am currently receiving from SSDI, I will instead be making a grand total of $1,300 per month. I’m still waiting to be reimbursed for a large amount of remaining back pay to which I am entitled (I need this to pay back money that I owe to individuals as well as bills that need to be paid). I hopefully will be seeing this money before the 1st of July.
I do hope that you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day! Mine was terrific, I was treated like a princess… the picture is what my Nicholas colored for me. I even made it to church, that was truly all that I wanted but everything about that day was wonderful.
We will finally be celebrating Nick’s birthday on June 14th. This will be the first birthday that he will have a “real” party to include his friends. With the last couple years being financially stretched so thin, Jennie really didn’t have the funds to have a party for him. Before that he was so little that it didn’t matter anyway.
He actually turned 5 on December 10th but with Thanksgiving just prior to his birthday and Christmas just a couple weeks after it’s an inconvenient time to throw a party. This year Jennie decided to start celebrating his birthday on the ½, well almost… May 10th is his actual half way mark, but that also happens to be the birthday of his auntie Mariah who herself just turned 5 years old this past May.
Just two days after his party on June 16th my precious little Nicholas will be graduating from pre-school. Nick missed starting kindergarten as his birth was just 5 days too late; this I think ended up being a blessing. He will now be entering kindergarten so much better prepared then he would have last year. I must say, he is a very smart, creative, and happy little boy; can you tell what a proud grandma I am? For those of you who knew me when Nick was born, can you believe how fast time goes by?
He loves riding his bike, skateboarding, riding his scooter, swimming, and climbing anything from ladders to trees to walls. He loves to figure out how things work… I think he gets some of that from watching his daddy and grandpa Cesar fixing things at both my house and grandpa’s house. If he’s left alone too long I will walk in on something that has been taken completely apart; he will tell me that it wasn’t working right and he needed to fix it.
Thank you to Children’s Hunger Fund as they gifted us with another wonderful delivery of delicious food. I am always amazed at the generosity of this wonderful organization. If you are ever looking to make a donation to a charitable organization who helps so many who are truly in need then please consider them. If you want to see what they are all about then take a moment and look at their site:
Well that is enough for now, my plan (as it is every Saturday) is to try and rest so that I can make it to church tomorrow.
With love,
(Matthew 5:3-10
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.)
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