To be honest with you, over the past several weeks I haven’t been praying and reading the Bible everyday… Why? Because I was frustrated and felt like what is the point… Well, the point was that I have been the one on the losing end.
Not because I would have received answers to my questions, or that some of my responsibilities would have been taken away from me, or that I even would have won one of the many battles I have been facing over the last several weeks. But instead that I would have had joy and peace… the kind that only comes from having a relationship with Christ.
This week I am preaching to myself and I guess to anyone else who might care to listen. There are times when Christians are faced with what at the time seems to be insurmountable problems, as I have shared before; it is at those times that one needs to make a conscious choice to turn to our Lord.
I’ve received several emails over the last couple weeks; some of you knowing a great deal about what’s going on and some knowing nothing but still sending scriptures and encouragement. They have all meant a great deal.
I received one in particular from PR… He was kind enough to only give me a partial sermon (lecture), but it was certainly one that I needed to read. He shared with me a verse in Philippians but I am going to include a bit more.
Philippians 4:4-9
4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Meditate on These Things
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.
9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.
Some of the things that I needed to review were to:
1 Rejoice in the Lord always
2 Be anxious for nothing
3 Let my requests be made known to God
4 To meditate on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report
5 Also to meditate and give God thanks & praise for anything of virtue and everything worthy of praise
According to the above scripture, I could have received the peace of God had I not been so stubborn. God was always right there waiting to give me the peace He has to offer, but me in my stubbornness decided not to turn to Him. The peace of God, which doesn’t always make sense, was there for the receiving, it would have protected my heart and mind through Christ Jesus instead of my going it alone.
I know this to be true… Why, because in every other instance in my life when I have done what the scripture says God has provided this peace thru Christ Jesus. He has never failed me
I know that so many of you are suffering with things going on in your own lives. I’m embarrassed with the few problems of mine that seem to have overtaken me.
Friends in Iowa have either lost their own homes or at least know several if not many who have lost everything in the floods and tornados. If nothing else, simple trips that normally take 15 minutes have now turned into over an hour. Some of you are having problems with your children, family illness’ and so much more.
Please know that I am back to holding you up in prayer daily. I may not have the energy to communicate daily via email; and certainly haven’t been speaking with any of you on the phone… Many of you I owe returned phone calls and emails, (especially Victoria B). If you have spoken with me lately you would understand that it does zap my energy spending time on the phone; furthermore I can’t carry on a conversation with hacking and coughing up a lung.
I have been fighting pneumonia for the last several weeks; I thought I had it pretty much under control and now I feel like I am fighting off a relapse. I’m doing my daily breathing treatments and taking my regular meds… I’m holding off seeing if I can just shake it off before going back to the doctor.
Part of my recovery is due in part to my friend Marsha… she makes the very best homemade chicken soup you could ever imagine. Thank you Marsha, you have no idea how delicious that was! You really need to bottle this stuff and put it on the market.
The SCAN representative came out to see me on Monday… every thing looked and sounded excellent. She said that by Friday I should know if I had been approved. Wouldn’t you know, Tuesday afternoon I received a phone call saying that I didn’t qualify. Huh? Apparently I should have enrolled in a secondary insurance plan 30 – 90 prior to receiving Medicare. If you will think back with me, I didn’t even know that I had Medicare until about seven (7) days after receiving it. I have spent a good part of my week on the phone trying to find out what in the world is going on. This is one of those questions without answers battle.
Medicare is taking away the traveling oxygen for now. I need to have another test done and can’t do that right now until I am able to enroll in a secondary insurance.
I still haven’t received the balance of my SSI money… neither the back pay nor the correct monthly amount that I should now be receiving. About a month ago I was told that everything should be corrected and I should have all my back pay in hand by July 1st. Just this past week I was informed that my case had been taken out of the payment center and was sent back again for review.
So many other things are going on right now… too many to go into and with the quickness of the direction each is moving I would have to email you everyday to keep you posted. That is more than I can possibly do right now.
We also found out that his very best friend just lives around the corner. It’s actually pretty funny, his friend (Isaiah’s) Mom (her name is Jennie) and I talk a few times every month and had no idea Nick and Isaiah were friends. She takes her boys for a walk right around 5:00pm everyday, I see her and we exchange pleasantries. Nicholas always just misses them when he arrives home from school so the connection was never made.
We haven’t seen them the last couple days as nobody is walking around right now; just a little bit ago around 5:00pm it was about 107° outside. I’ve had the air running full blast all day and inside the house won’t cool down fewer than 80°… for all you in So Cal I’m just preaching to the choir.
We do have something to look forward to… Grandpa Cesar and Grandma Alicia will be giving Nicholas another auntie or uncle on July 7th. This little one is being stubborn and won’t allow anyone to know what he or she is. The last ultra-sound is scheduled for Friday and we are hoping beyond all hope to find out what this angel is, but as for now it looks as though this will be a surprise. All I can say to Grandpa (51) and Grandma (41) is more power to you! Auntie Mariah (5 years old) is very excited and can’t wait; she has finally given mommy permission to keep the baby if it is a boy.
I know this update had been all over the map and I do hope it makes sense. I’ve needed to get something out as I have received a few inquiries as to why no recent updates.
Much love to you all,
1 comment:
Boy howdy - I sure know how difficult it can be dealing with Social Security. My girlfriend has SSI and I helped her negotiate the maze from time to time for her case and then my own Disability case with SSD. It all turned out OK but we just had to keep at it and remain as calm as possible during the frustration. I'm sure things will straighten out - just trust the Lord because He is observing the situation and He will work out all things the way He wants it to be. So we'll all keep praying. Love, ken scott
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