Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13, 2009 ~ Weekly Update #40

It’s been a few months since I have sent out a new update. I’ve received a great number of emails asking about the disease (COPD) and how far it has progressed… My apologies for not returning the phone calls and emails… because I haven’t been able to respond, I thought I would send something out to everyone.

Since so many of you enjoy looking things up on the internet I will supply you with as many details as I can.

Many of you have sent cards, called, emailed, stopped by, and inquired as to how I am doing… thank you for your wonderful thoughts and prayers.

Before I go on I must tell you that Jeralynn and Stephen have been a life line for me… she comes in and checks on me several times throughout the day and night. As for Stephen, if I need anything all I have to do is call. Unfortunately for them they have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly… and yet they still hang around… that’s what you call true friends. Thank you Stephen and Jeralynn!

How am I doing right now? I’m doing my very best to stay out of the hospital… although a couple times this past week I have been very close to returning.

In an attempt at keeping me out of the hospital my pulmonologist started me on an additional round of steroids (predisone, 40mg per day) and a new antibiotic (this is the 2nd round of antibiotics that I’ve been on since coming home from the hospital). Between the breathing treatments (nebulizer) using a bronchodilator (albutural), an inhaler (advair 500/50), oxygen, cool mist & hot steam treatments I seem to be okay most of the time. It’s only when I get up and start doing anything that requires effort that it begins to be difficult to breath.

I’m certainly learning a new normal for my life, the biggest and most difficult change for me was cutting back on the time that I normally spend with Nicholas. Now I only get to see Nicholas a couple times a week, and then it’s only for an hour or two. Nicholas was the one thing that I told God that I would never give up. Yet, He allowed me to be put in such a position that I had no other choice.

My life is continuing to twist and turn in ways I never thought it would at this point. As for right now I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz… I’m waiting to see where this tornado that I seem to be caught up in is going to land and how different everything will be once the dust clears. For several reasons, I can’t go into details at this time, but if you pray for me then please start praying that God will pour out His wisdom on me. Please don’t ask for details; I will send out another email once I’m able to share.

Back to what COPD is all about…to be blunt, this most probably will be what will end my life. What I didn’t realize when I was in the hospital was that there were a few days that they weren’t sure if I was going to make it or not. Since God decided that He wasn’t finished with me yet, I did make it and now the battle is on. This disease and I are going to battle it out to the finish and depending on what God’s plan is for my life I’m hoping that will be at least a few more years.

COPD is primarily caused by smoking! If you smoke then please stop!

I quit smoking years ago… I only smoked for a couple years and only about 1 pack a week… regardless, look at the toll it took on my health. With as little as I smoked the doctors are mystified at the fact that I have such a progressed case of COPD.

What I have found out is that the negative effects of smoking don’t begin to occur until 20 – 40 years after one smokes their first cigarette. The doctors also informed me that in my case the Los Angeles smog and the Southern California wild fires have both aided in the progression of this disease.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) obstructs airflow from the lungs which is better known as chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Here are the differences:

Chronic Bronchitis – chronic coughing, production of sputum, wheezing, shortness of breath, frequent lung infections.

Emphysema – difficulty breathing, cough, weight loss, rapid breathing.

The type of COPD that I have is chronic bronchitis; in addition I also have chronic asthma which combined causes its own set of complications.

It’s a slowly progressive disease in which one will continue to loose lung function. There is no cure for COPD and it ranks fourth place as a leading cause of death both in the United States and worldwide. The medication and treatments are solely used to provide relief of the symptoms and improve the quality of life.

When I was admitted to the hospital I had what is called an exacerbation; this simply meant that I was having a flare-up of the disease. Because I unknowingly allowed the disease to turn into an exacerbation irreversible damage was done to my lungs.

I’m not sure to what extent the damage is, I’m hoping to find out more on Wednesday when I see my doctor. Regardless, the recovery time is going to be very long.

Why did I wait so long to go to the doctor…? I thought I was just lazy! I know that sounds ridiculous but it’s the truth. I kept thinking that I need to be doing more, I need to stop sleeping so much, and I need to push myself. The truth was that if I had not gone to the hospital that night I was told that I most likely wouldn’t have awoken the next morning.

I was told that had I gone to the doctor in late October I would have probably still been admitted to the hospital but it would have only been for a couple days.

There are so many side effects to these med’s… the biggest problem is the fact that I am diabetic. Steroids increase ones blood level in an unbelievable way. When in the hospital they struggled to keep my sugars in the 600’s (it should be closer to 100). I’m currently taking a large amount of steroids and I should be monitoring my sugars at least 4 times a day. With insurance the blood monitoring test strips are $1 per strip (you do the math) that’s over $100 per month; it’s just something that I can’t afford right now. I’m in the process of trying to get them directly from the manufacturer (free or close to it) but that takes time. I’m trying with the best of my guess ability to figure out how much insulin to take everyday. Please don’t send me emails telling me how foolish I’m being… I’m very well aware of the chance I’m taking but for now I have no other choice.

There’s more… I’m in need of having eight, yes eight root canals and crowns done in the very near future. Two of which are scheduled for Wednesday, January 14th. These two initial root canals have been changed and postponed for two months, either because I have been too sick or have been in the hospital. As you can imagine I am in desperate need of getting these taken care of… they are really starting to bother me. If you have seen me in the last couple months then you have noticed part of my upper front tooth is gone, this will be taken care of (hopefully) on Wednesday.

I say hopefully because my pulmonologist said that I’m not well enough to go thru this procedure. I’ve been begging him to let me do it… I’m supposed to speak with him today (Tuesday) and he will let me know if I can have the root canal’s done. Apparently, a great number of complications can arise when having dental work done. I’ll let you know in the next update whether I was able to go thru with the procedure or not.

The one thing I want you to know is that my God is still in control and He is still on the throne. He already knows what will happen tomorrow and where I will be a year from now.

For those of you who don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, well, I don’t know how you make it thru the day.

The other things that I am dealing with besides health issues are weighing so much more heavily on my heart. But I can honestly say that I am in perfect peace.

Isaiah 26: 3, 4
3You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
4 Trust in the LORD forever, For in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength.

My Lord will keep me in perfect peace because my mind is focused on Him. I will trust in my Lord (Jesus Christ) forever and He will be what I draw my strength from.

Thessalonians 5:17, 18
17 Never stop praying.
18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

God will only allow the very best for my life. At this moment I can’t say that I know what that is, regardless I will continue praying and I will be thankful for where I am at this moment. I can say that with all confidence because I know who I belong to… Jesus Christ.

I’m so thankful for what my Lord has brought me thru over the past few years… having seen how God has always taken care of me, always provided for me, and always had the very best planned for me gives me cause that I don’t need to worry.

Remember, He can do the same for you if you would only let Him.

Much love to you all,


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