Word travels fast… Since I’m too tired to return the calls and answer all the emails I’m sending out this update.
There are many things I am thankful for… one in particular is that my Lord already knows what every day will bring into my life. More importantly He already knows the direction my life will take.
Many days I wish that I had the answers as to what tomorrow will bring… but as each day plays itsef out I understand why God doesn’t allow me to see what the future holds… I just wouldn’t be able to handle all the excitement.
All of you have problems and I don’t mean to make light of anything you all are going thru. It’s just that lately I’ve been wondering why God’s been choosing me to mold, choosing me to change, and choosing me to use.
Remember back when you were in school, the teacher asked for a volunteer… many were raising their hands, pick me, and choose me is shouted out as hands keep shooting upward. The teacher never picked those… he picked the one who sat there thinking that’s okay; I don’t need to be picked today. That’s okay teacher, someone else can have a chance, remember you picked me last week.
Lately it seems as though God has stepped up the intensity and the frequency when it comes to molding, changing, and using me. As my life continues to change at what seems to be a rapid pace my prayer is that you have seen and will continue to see what a mighty and awesome God I serve. I pray that I have provided an example to you as to what living for Christ is and that you have witnessed what having a relationship with Jesus Christ is all about.
Sunday morning Nicholas and I were able to go to church which is something we haven’t done in several months. Praise the Lord for the time we had to worship together with our church family.
After that it was home to eat lunch and rest up for the big game!
About 3:00pm, just as the game started I began to not feel so good. I was having constant, semi-intensive chest pains and by about 4:30pm I realized that the pain just wasn’t going away. This pain was familiar as I remembered it from being in the hospital about six weeks ago. When in the hospital and the pain became this bad they gave me a Tylenol #3 (Tylenol w/ codeine) and the pain would subside to the point of being able to think about something, anything, beside ‘being in pain’.
I had gotten a (just in case) prescription for Tylenol #3 when I had the dental work done and still had some in the house. I took one thinking that in an hour or so I would be back to feeling normal and would call the doctor in the morning. By about 5:00pm I realized wasn’t feeling any better and that I might even be feeling a little worse then I had an hour before.
The real bummer is that the pain bothered me so much that I couldn’t even enjoy the big game.
By about 5:30pm I realized that I needed to call my doctor and he sent me straight to the hospital. I called Jeralynn, but with her being so sick with a head cold she sent Stephen in her place. Let me tell you; I think this man deserves a special reward! It’s not just enough to care for his own wife; but to have to take care of her friend as well… that’s just too much and I don’t think many men would do that… so thank you Stephen.
I got to the hospital, blood was drawn, x-rays taken, and an EKG was done.
There were no televisions where I was in the treatment area; but I could sure hear all the excitement and commotion, screaming and hollering; it sounded more like a Super Bowl Party then a hospital. "The Cardinals won"… "no Steelers won"… "no I think it was the Cardinals"… "no, wait, it’s the Steelers", this was being shouted from every room in the hospital!
Let me tell you hearing all this and not being able to see it in action would have given anyone chest pains; I missed it, I missed the best part! Wouldn’t you know that once I finally got to my own room (private room with a television) and had med’s for the pain, the game was over!
Okay, back to me… they kept me there for a couple more hours just monitoring me and waiting for the blood work. It appears that although the infection is going away; the swelling in my lungs is worsening.
The best way to describe this is to imagine that you have badly damaged your hand. It’s broken and there are open wounds; to keep infection out you will be put on antibiotics. But your hand is swollen to the point of not being able to close it in a fist or open it to a flat position; much of the pain you would feel has come from the swelling and inflammation.
That is how my lungs are right now… the antibiotics (Z-Pack) are taking care of the infection. The steroids are what will hopefully start reducing the swelling as well as the inflammation which are causing the pain in my chest. The more my lungs swell the more they look like over inflated balloons. While swollen my lungs are not able to open and close like healthy lungs do, they stay open while they are swollen; hence the pain.
Monday morning my doctor once again increased the dosage of Prednisone (watch out mood swings) and I will be checking in with him on Friday. If I begin to get worse then I will call him right away to see what the next step should be.
The eye doctor appointment I had for Monday was cancelled as was my PT appointment for Tuesday. I am going to try with everything in me to keep my dental appointment on Wednesday as that is also extremely important to the healing of my lungs (that’s an entirely different story).
If you pray for me then please pray that this ‘episode’ can be taken care of without hospitalization. Also, please pray for Nicholas, he was pretty upset Sunday night trying to understand why grandma is sick.
Before you send emails asking why I am up so late… I’m up taking meds and breathing treatments… right now I’m wide awake and hoping to get back to sleep soon.
Love to you all,
Psalm 104:33-34
33 I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
34 May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord.
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