By the way, Barbara was given ‘Suite 431’ at Holy Cross Hospital… if you remember, that was the room that I spent a good part of December in. So if you happen to be in the position of needing hospitalization at Holy Cross just remember to request the best room in the house, Suite 431!
Life continues to change at an unbelievable pace! Thru it all I continue to fall back on the fact that my Lord remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. He’s always by my side; all I need to do is to speak His name to know that He is there.
Although I knew that I shouldn’t have, I had decided to go to church on Sunday.
I wasn’t feeling well but a friend was announcing his engagement while at the same time introducing his fiancée to our church family… it was a surprise to everyone as he had kept their courtship a secret. His fiancée and I were to meet up before church so that she wouldn’t be sitting alone before the big surprise. How could I help but be there to help celebrate, I had no other choice, I had to be there!
Congratulations Jerry and Angela!
Immediately following church we had a delicious lunch which was an informational kick-off for our building fund. Our church family never ceases to amaze me with the talent that lies therein… Tom you did an incredible job of preparing lunch for the approximate 100 who had said they would be in attendance.
It was immediately after the church service that I knew I wasn’t doing too well. I had made those around me promise not to tell Jeralynn how I was feeling at this point. I really wanted to enjoy visiting with others over lunch while at the same time learning about the renovation plans for some of the buildings on the church grounds.
I knew that if Jeralynn had learned of how I was feeling; she would have taken me home and put me to bed. Those who assisted me in being able to stay at church for lunch kept their word and didn’t say a thing to Jeralynn. Thank you to the female members of the Miano family (I think Tony would have assisted had I asked), the Silva’s, and I even think Pastor Enoch passed by… they all kept my secret and I was able to stay until the end.
After being at church for about 4 ½ hours I realized things weren’t going so good. It became apparent to me when I couldn’t take 10 steps without being out of breath and feeling as though I would collapse. I would sit, rest, and catch my breath for awhile and then move on… this continued every several steps until I lost it.
I couldn’t do it any more… I was done, finished… it was over! I think this was the very first time that I have given up. It was so overwhelming to me that I couldn’t even walk out to the car. I knew it was back to the hospital and that was the last place I wanted to be. At that point and time I was certain that it was going to be another two weeks of being in the hospital. (It’s a good thing I wasn’t admitted, where would Barbara have gone ~ hehehe)
Both Stephen and Jeralynn took me to the ER; I was there for several hours, after another round of tests, breathing treatments, intravenous meds, etc… the ER doctor came in and said I want you to start on Xanax and you should see your doctor in the morning.
Huh???? I am certainly not against psych drugs… this may be a shock to some of you (or maybe not) I’m already on anti-anxiety meds. I will get into this in a separate blog as I feel that it’s time this is openly discussed and not something to be ashamed of both in and out of church.
But really, I knew that there was much more to the way I was feeling then just needing to be put on Xanax. I went home and went to bed, Monday morning Jeralynn called and made an appointment for me and then woke me up when it was time to go. I literally crawled out of bed, into my clothes and into her car… off we went.
I still was not doing well… Thank God this doctor (Pulmonologist) and his staff knew me… they immediately recognized that I had greatly deteriorated from the last time I had been in the office just a week before.
The very first thing my doctor told me was NOT to fill the Xanax prescription… the ER doctors aren’t aware of my history and I’m not in need of that particular prescription (not now anyway – hehehe).
The doctor informed me that what happened on Sunday was that the 40mg of Prednisone that I continue to remain on had caused severe muscle weakness… this was the reason I was unable to walk more then a few steps at a time. The more I tried to move, walk, or do anything the more exhausted I became.
I could not breathe as I all my focus and energy was spent trying to get to the car. At this point I felt absolutely helpless and realized I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life like this.
It was then that all I could do was sit there and sob uncontrollably. I asked for those who were still at church to pray with me and they did… as patiently and lovingly as any group of people could have they stayed with me until I was able to get the car. Thank you all so much!
Back to the doctor visit… there were more results for a different test that had been done while at the ER; it showed that I have an electrolyte disorder… this has shown up occasionally on blood work in the past but now I have officially been diagnosed with this new problem.
An electrolyte disorder is an imbalance of certain ionized salts (i.e., bicarbonate, calcium, chloride, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, and sodium) in the blood.
The ones that I have a problem with are potassium and magnesium.
Symptoms associated with Potassium imbalances include:
• weakness
• nausea and/or abdominal pain
• irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
• diarrhea
• muscle pain
Symptoms associated with Magnesium imbalances include:
• lethargy
• hypotension (I'm having the opposite problem)
• decreased heart and respiratory rate
• muscle weakness
• diminished tendon reflexes
The doctor also came to the conclusion that the breathing medication I have been using with my nebulizer was no longer working so he has switched me to something different. This new medication seems to be doing a wonderful job; I’ve already seen a drastic improvement in getting a good night sleep.
Bottom line… my health is just a bit worse then it was last week!
The doctor informed me that under no conditions am I allowed to skip Physical Therapy; even if it means rolling out of bed into my wheelchair, into a car, and being wheeled into the office. That’s just about what happened on Tuesday, Jeralynn showed up, rolled me out of bed and into the wheelchair, and then straight into the office we went, I made it!
I learned a great deal at PT on Tuesday!
As of Tuesday I am only to speak when I exhale… try this for yourself... breathe in thru your nose for a count of two seconds and then speak for four seconds as you are breathing out thru your mouth. Even if you don’t finish your sentence, stop talking while you breathe in for another two seconds… continue your sentence only once you are ready to breathe out thru your mouth for another four seconds.
Do I always do this??? Absolutely not! However, I’ve been told that if I want to stay out of the ER then I had better get use to this new normal way of speaking. So… if you are speaking with me and I’m not using this technique then stop me and make me speak slowly with the 2 – 4 second breathing.
Onto how I am able to move around… it’s the same theory. As I take two steps I breathe in thru my nose… the next four steps are spent using the ‘pursed lip’ breathing technique, breathing out thru my mouth. Again, the next two steps are in thru my nose, with the following four steps out thru my mouth.
Do I always do this??? No, but again if I want to stay out of the ER then… blah, blah, blah…
If you are with me while I am walking or doing anything else and I’m not using this technique then stop me and make me do the 2 – 4 breathing technique.
You’ll immediately recognize if I am doing the above mentioned correctly... as Jeralynn has put it, recovery for me resembles that of a stroke victim who is learning to walk and talk again. (Okay, just laugh with me about this… it’s better than crying)
Apparently this will be the new normal for me from now on… I’ll be honest; this is a very tough adjustment.
The other bit of information that I was given at PT is that effective this coming week I am to begin 3 appointments a week with them. This third appointment which is on Fridays will focus on balance therapy… this is supposed to aid with the vertigo I suffer from and with that I won’t be so dependent on my cane / walker.
This now means at least four days of the week are filled with appointments… hurray!
Lisa volunteered to run me around on Thursday; we had to pick Nick up from school, drop him off with Alex, and then head over to PT. I wasn’t feeling great as a migraine had reared its ugly head on Wednesday, while at the same time I was experiencing inflammation and pain in my neck where the metal plates are. If I had my choice I would have stayed home; but the doctor had made it very clear to me that I am not to miss these PT appointments.
By the time I made my way into the office (about 30 minutes from the time we left my house) my blood pressure… it was 170/110. Needless to say most of my time spent at PT was trying to alleviate pressure from my neck, minimize the migraine, and bring my blood pressure down to anything besides what it was.
Jeralynn was picking me up from PT and you will be happy to know that they wouldn’t allow me to walk down to the car and meet her. The ‘good doctor’ (in reality I’m grateful for the ‘good doctor’s my Lord has surrounded me with) made her come up and get me. By the time I was ready to leave my blood pressure had come down to its normal 140/90… yes, I know that’s a bit high and after yesterdays experience I’m sure this means that my BP med’s will soon be changing.

If you would like you can start praying that instead of adding new med's every week that we can start discontinuing them eventually.
In addition you can pray that God will continue to provide financially for my medical costs. Imagine for a moment the cost of refilling these prescriptions month after month.
Regardless, I’m doing much better today… still have a residual headache and some neck pain… However, I am thoroughly enjoying this wonderful cold / wet weather that God has given us for the next several days. Okay, its cold for So Cal… 50’s during the days and 40’s at night.
Well, I think I covered everything… come this Sunday I am going to do everything in my power to make it to church again. With all that I’ve learned this week I have no intention of making another trip to the ER.
PR (Pastor Ron ~ my Pastor) sent out another wonderful letter this week… if you are getting these letters and not reading them then you are missing out on some wonderful insights that God is sharing with him. Anyway, I’m pulling this week’s scripture verses out of his letter.
Romans 8:28
28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Isaiah 41:10
10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
John 16:33
33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
PR ~ thanks for your continued faithfulness to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
To the rest of you, if you would like to meet my church family (all those who I dearly love), and if you would like learn more about the Lord I absolutely worship and adore then please come and visit my church.
Let me know what Sunday you will be there; I would love to see you and have a chance to introduce you to all who love me. I promise there is no obligation by you showing up… you don’t have to stand, you don’t have to sing, you don’t need to speak a word, and you don't have to drop a single penny in the offering bag as it passes by!
Just come and sit with me… it would mean the world to me for you to take two hours (actually 10:30am to 12:00 noon) out of your schedule on any Sunday and see where I worship my Lord!
With love to you all,
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