What a year 2010 has been and what a year I think 2011 will end up being!
I think the greatest thing I learned this year was being reminded that we are only here on earth for a fleeting moment.
In April 2010 I underwent my third cervical spinal surgery... this one was to remove the plate in the back of my neck. So far, it appears that this has worked... for the most part anyway; I say that because the headaches are gone and for that I am praising my Lord. I still have some numbness and weakness in my extremities, but the headaches (constant migraines with no relief) are gone!
My parents came out for April and May to assist with my recovery... that was a wonderful time! My father (who has congestive heart failure) played the handyman and repaired everything that needed fixing in my home (yes, I'm renting, but if I don't complain about and/or fix it myself the landlord won't raise the rent). Dad even remodeled the spare room in my house to make it into a baseball room for the boys. Nicholas and Nathanial were so very happy with having their own room at grandma's house.
My mother spent her time getting me better... waiting on me hand and foot. I know that had to be difficult for her... not necessarily waiting on me but realizing how much more I had deteriorated compared to the last time she was with me. I think the biggest surprise to them this year was realizing that I no longer have control over my bodily fluids. But my mother remained a saint, constantly changing the linens and cleaning up whenever I didn't hit my intended target (be it the trash can or toilet).
They were both able to spend time attending Nick's baseball games and getting to know the newest member of the family, Nathaniel.
My parents went home mid-May; mom started back to working her full time job and dad continued working around the house in addition to his part time job, and life as he knows it.
By the end of August my father was in ICU hanging on to life; there were no expectations that he would live. He was alert enough that he was able to assist my mother, sister, and aunt in planning every detail of how he envisioned his memorial was going to be. But then, just as quick as he went down, he turned around and started getting stronger... I'm not saying better because he is still very ill... he daily wears a nitroglycerin patch to keep his pain at bay. It reminds him that he has 5 inoperable arteries that are nearly 100% blocked... we are all aware that one day his heart will stop... only God knows when this day will be. Meanwhile we continue to be thankful for each day that is given to not only him but to each of us.
Before we knew it time had flown by and it was the beginning of October; mom was celebrating her birthday. I think she was most thankful this birthday simply because dad was still around to celebrate this day with her.
Then it happened, one week after her birthday... mom fell and and landed hard. She broke two bones in six places in her pelvic area; 32 days later (way ahead of schedule) mom came back home.
Mom was able to be home for Thanksgiving... this was a much earlier release date then what was first expected. During the time that mom was down I spent a great deal of time searching the Word of God trying to discover His purpose in all of this. As for me, I never did find out what God's reasoning for allowing mom to suffer such pain, but I do know that He was with her every moment of her suffering and that He never left her side.
God is continuing to restore her health... it will be a long road back to recovery but at least she is at home and headed in the right direction.
As for me; just before Thanksgiving I ended up having two teeth pulled. Having these teeth pulled very much went against the dentists recommendations; however, I don't know anyone who has $3,000 to drop on some dental work.
Going a little further back for me... I began to get sick mid September... so the routine started. Go on antibiotics, steroids, breathing treatments, rest, and start over. The symptoms did dissipate long enough for me to have the teeth pulled; but then they came flying back with a vengeance.
I stumbled through Thanksgiving with even more antibiotics, steroids, and breathing treatments... but nothing, no getting better this time.
Right around Thanksgiving I plummeted; mostly into depression, I attribute this to my health continuing to nose dive with no relief.
At this point I was finding it very difficult to be thankful for the many blessings that had been and that were continuing to be bestowed upon me.
I was grateful... oh, let me tell you how very grateful I was to the many of you who poured out your love, prayers, gifts, and finances upon me.
How grateful I was to a young man in my church (Zach) who organized a group of about 40 from my church family to surprise me by standing outside my front door singing Christmas carols on a very warm Sunday afternoon. And then how grateful I was to each and everyone of them who came up and greeted me with hugs, food, and even some gifts.
I was just finding it extremely difficult to continue on with a thankful heart... I was done.
I have found that for me there is a difference between being thankful and being grateful. If I was to be thankful for the blessings bestowed upon me then I had to be thankful for my circumstances. My circumstances of always being the one in need, always being the one who is sick, always being the one who... (if you haven't read my entire blog then you will probably have a hard time understanding what I'm referring too).
I think it was the end of 2010... maybe a couple days before January 1st rolled around that I began to realize that my attitude certainly wasn't helping anything. By allowing this depression to take over my life I had stopped communicating with my Lord on a daily basis and had stopped depending on His Word, the Holy Bible, for my daily guidance.
Don't get me wrong, there are still many days that I find myself depressed, both in regards to my health and my circumstances; but the last several nights have been spent with me asking (even begging) my Lord to not let go of my hand.
In looking back over the last several months, He never did let go of my hand; it was me turning away from Him; being so frustrated with 'everything' that I just wanted to bury my head in anything but my Lord.
So as this new year started... so did a much stronger walk with my Lord; this time with a faith that is much more intense.
Here's a short review of last year in regards to my health...
There were two new medical diagnosis in 2010... stomach paralysis and burning tongue (mouth) syndrome.
Stomach paralysis means that my food takes much longer to digest then most; this explains much of the vomiting that I have experienced over the past year.
Burning tongue (mouth) syndrome (for me it's just the tongue)... one's tongue (most often the entire mouth) feels as though it is on fire; additionally, I've lost the ability to taste food.
Backing up a bit... it's interesting how God allows our paths to cross with each other even though sometimes years have past. That was the case with some friends of mine that I hadn't had contact with in probably 20 years. Fred and Kathy... to say that they have been through a great deal in their lives is putting it mildly. So I thought that I would send them a note... just in case, for some far off reason, they might know what I was talking about. And guess what, they did, they knew exactly what burning mouth syndrome was and what the best cure was. Thank you by the way for sending me a two month supply of this wonderful supplement. It hasn't completely disappeared, but the symptoms are much better.
Today was the first of many doctors appointments in 2011. This one was with a new doctor, an ENT... because I've had this horrible cough and laryngitis (for four months now) my pulmonologist wanted me to see him just to make sure everything was 'okay'.
After speaking with him for about 15 minutes he informs me that he is doing a 'Nasal Endoscopy' right there and then.... yipee! Just a few minutes later and it's all over... the results (and please, if any of you have ever heard of this before let me know).
Reflux Laryngitis... apparently the back side of my voice box (layrnx) has been severely damaged by acid reflux. I have had a hiatal hernia for a few years now (blamed on the severity of the bronchial coughing). He believes that the cause of this 'reflux laryngitis' damage is a combination of the hiatal hernia and almost daily vomiting (from stomach paralysis) over the last several months.
First new rule... minimal talking!
Second, he has started me on two new medications (if you are counting, that brings the total to 42 prescriptions per day). I am to see him again in 30 days... meanwhile, nothing to eat at least four hours before laying down (either to nap or sleep). And, nothing to drink one hour before laying down (even water), nor am I to have any cough drops one hour prior to laying down or while laying down.
If you know me, you know I live on water, probably 15 glasses a day... I think I drink at least 1 - 2 glasses during the night, this in an attempt at preventing a dry mouth and calming my cough.
I'm not really sure what this will mean in regards to how much sleep I will be getting from this night forward. I cough so violently through the night that I often find myself vomiting at least once every night. I have cough syrup yes, but often count on water and/or cough drops to get me through the rest of the night.
I will be back to see this doctor on February 7th to find out if anything has changed either for the better or the worse; it will be at this time that I also find out what the next step(s) will be.
I read the following on someones blog and am going to paraphrase it... but thought it perfect as this new year seems to be starting off with so little knowledge as to where it will take me.
Starting this new year has been like standing at the edge of the cold, deep, dark ocean. Looking at those big waves it's hard not to get scared, at times I've had to hold myself back from turning in the other direction and running as fast as I can.
What I've come to realize is that it's not about diving in to those cold scary waves... it's about keeping my eyes on Jesus and getting ready to walk on the water.
Matthew 14: 27-31
27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”
28 And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.”
29 So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!”
31 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
At times I still find myself filled with doubt as I sit and wonder what the future holds... questioning how much longer I can go on with my health continuing to decline on what seems to be a regular basis.
But it's not about what I see as being possible... it's about what's possible with Him...
Matthew 19:26
26 But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Once again, thank you to all who have spent time on their knees for me... and so much more!
With love,
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
November 18, 2010
This post is in direct response to the many who have asked for an update...
Friday, November 12th:
Mom came home from the hospital; she needed a few days to get comfortable but seems to be getting stronger with each passing day.
Last Friday also meant a dental appointment for me... I had been suffering from some semi-intense pain over the last few months. The x-rays showed that I needed two root canals... the two teeth were back to back.
One of the teeth bothered me significantly more than the other so that was the tooth that was pulled. Why did I have it pulled instead of having the root canal done? Hmm... I don't have dental insurance... Root Canal $790 vs Tooth Extraction $250... the decision wasn't difficult.
The dentist gave me seven stitches in an attempt at avoiding a dry socket. I've had many pulled teeth and with nearly each one came a dry socket; so I was really hoping this was going to work.
Going back on the 22nd to have the stitches removed.
I was started on a round of antibiotics to fight off any infection... I was personally hoping it would aid in my breathing.
Saturday, November 13th:
Saturday was a good day for the most part... Saturday evening the area of the extraction began to hurt.
Sunday, November 14th:
The pain was increasing and nothing seemed to bring relief.
Monday, November 15th:
Went to the dentist... an infection had set in (it appears that my body has built up a resistance to Zithromax aka Z Pack). I was started on Clindamycin and began to feel a bit better.
Tuesday, November 16th:
The new antibiotic continued to bring relief for me.
Mom is continuing to improve... but it appears that she tore her rotator cuff when she fell. She cannot lift her arm and it is causing her a significant amount of pain. She will most certainly need surgery to repair her shoulder; it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when.
She's been through this once before and if you've ever had it done you know it can be a very painful recovery. Regardless, it's something that will need to be done eventually.
Wednesday, November 17th:
Tuesday night was the first night that I slept through without cough syrup... these new antibiotics have started working on my breathing!
My oral pain continued to decrease in the area of the extracted tooth but began to increase in the tooth next to it that is in need of a root canal.
Mom has continued to improve and dad went to his daily compression therapy.
While at compression therapy dad began to experience chest pains and was sent to the hospital. Many tests were run and it was determined that he did NOT experience a heart attack. Instead, it was a reminder that he is not a healthy man; that he has congestive heart failure, and that there are many more times like this ahead of him. He was released and sent home Wednesday night.
Thursday, November 18th:
I was up most of last night (Wednesday night) in pain from my tooth... I called the dentist this morning and it's been decided that I will have my 2nd tooth pulled tomorrow.
By the way... the stitches seem to have done the trick... no dry socket! Let's see if the same holds true after this next tooth is pulled.
Friday, November 19th:
I think that I'm looking forward to getting this 2nd tooth pulled... I'll let you know later in the week.
Mom will be going to get her hair done tomorrow (this is the first time since the fall - 6 1/2 weeks ago). After that she is hoping to be attend the funeral for the very young daughter of a co-worker who passed away unexpectedly.
I received some new lab results and even a new diagnosis... but those details will wait for later as I need to get some ice on my face in hopes of eliminating some of this pain.
But before I close, thank you to a wonderful friend who sent me a gift card a couple weeks ago. And more thanks for all the food that has come my way this week; another incredible delivery from Children's Hunger Fund, individuals who have dropped off bags of groceries, and then some amazing cooks who have made some wonderful meals...
O, How I Love Jesus
That is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth!
It sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth.
O, How I Love Jesus; O, How I Love Jesus!
O, How I Love Jesus, because He first loved me.
I John 4:19
19 We love Him because He first loved us.
With love,
Friday, November 12th:
Mom came home from the hospital; she needed a few days to get comfortable but seems to be getting stronger with each passing day.
Last Friday also meant a dental appointment for me... I had been suffering from some semi-intense pain over the last few months. The x-rays showed that I needed two root canals... the two teeth were back to back.
One of the teeth bothered me significantly more than the other so that was the tooth that was pulled. Why did I have it pulled instead of having the root canal done? Hmm... I don't have dental insurance... Root Canal $790 vs Tooth Extraction $250... the decision wasn't difficult.
The dentist gave me seven stitches in an attempt at avoiding a dry socket. I've had many pulled teeth and with nearly each one came a dry socket; so I was really hoping this was going to work.
Going back on the 22nd to have the stitches removed.
I was started on a round of antibiotics to fight off any infection... I was personally hoping it would aid in my breathing.
Saturday, November 13th:
Saturday was a good day for the most part... Saturday evening the area of the extraction began to hurt.
Sunday, November 14th:
The pain was increasing and nothing seemed to bring relief.
Monday, November 15th:
Went to the dentist... an infection had set in (it appears that my body has built up a resistance to Zithromax aka Z Pack). I was started on Clindamycin and began to feel a bit better.
Tuesday, November 16th:
The new antibiotic continued to bring relief for me.
Mom is continuing to improve... but it appears that she tore her rotator cuff when she fell. She cannot lift her arm and it is causing her a significant amount of pain. She will most certainly need surgery to repair her shoulder; it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when.
She's been through this once before and if you've ever had it done you know it can be a very painful recovery. Regardless, it's something that will need to be done eventually.
Wednesday, November 17th:
Tuesday night was the first night that I slept through without cough syrup... these new antibiotics have started working on my breathing!
My oral pain continued to decrease in the area of the extracted tooth but began to increase in the tooth next to it that is in need of a root canal.
Mom has continued to improve and dad went to his daily compression therapy.
While at compression therapy dad began to experience chest pains and was sent to the hospital. Many tests were run and it was determined that he did NOT experience a heart attack. Instead, it was a reminder that he is not a healthy man; that he has congestive heart failure, and that there are many more times like this ahead of him. He was released and sent home Wednesday night.
Thursday, November 18th:
I was up most of last night (Wednesday night) in pain from my tooth... I called the dentist this morning and it's been decided that I will have my 2nd tooth pulled tomorrow.
By the way... the stitches seem to have done the trick... no dry socket! Let's see if the same holds true after this next tooth is pulled.
Friday, November 19th:
I think that I'm looking forward to getting this 2nd tooth pulled... I'll let you know later in the week.
Mom will be going to get her hair done tomorrow (this is the first time since the fall - 6 1/2 weeks ago). After that she is hoping to be attend the funeral for the very young daughter of a co-worker who passed away unexpectedly.
I received some new lab results and even a new diagnosis... but those details will wait for later as I need to get some ice on my face in hopes of eliminating some of this pain.
But before I close, thank you to a wonderful friend who sent me a gift card a couple weeks ago. And more thanks for all the food that has come my way this week; another incredible delivery from Children's Hunger Fund, individuals who have dropped off bags of groceries, and then some amazing cooks who have made some wonderful meals...
O, How I Love Jesus
That is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth!
It sounds like music in my ear, the sweetest name on earth.
O, How I Love Jesus; O, How I Love Jesus!
O, How I Love Jesus, because He first loved me.
I John 4:19
19 We love Him because He first loved us.
With love,
Saturday, November 6, 2010
November 11, 2010
It has been almost two weeks since mom has experienced the worst day since her fall. Ever since that day she began to slowly improve.
Aunt Shirley arrived one week ago; she has been a huge help to my father and a blessing to my mother. Although, as you will read on, the necessity of her being with them has only just begun... her assistance is needed now more then ever.
This next bit of news came as expectantly to us as I'm sure it will to you...
God has certainly heard and answered our prayers... in fact, I will tell you that He has allowed for a miracle. To the many of you who have prayed, thank you... God is good and His timing is perfect.
Mom is going home tomorrow (Friday, November 12th)... yes, you read correctly. She is being released from the hospital tomorrow and will be heading home.
If you remember reading a couple weeks ago she wasn't going to be released until the end of this month at the earliest and quite possibly the end of the year.
She still has a long road of recovery ahead of her; but we are rejoicing in the fact that a new chapter in her life is beginning tomorrow as she is released from the hospital.
Please join us in giving all the praise and glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for this miraculous healing in mom's body.
As for me, I went to the doctor yesterday... chest x-rays were taken and the good news is that I don't have pneumonia.
More good news for my family and Jeralynn; the doctor won't allow me to start on the 'heavy' dose of steroids (100mg prednisone). I say good news for them because I have not been the most pleasant person to be around lately; my attitude problem is a result of the most recent doses of steroids that I have been on.
That isn't good news for me... that means I continue to live with this COPD flare-up (exacerbation). The type of COPD that I have is chronic obstructive bronchitis... meaning constant bronchitis and the cough that goes along with it. This is the same cough that caused the cervical spinal injuries and required the many surgeries that have gone along with it.
I'm sure you have heard that too many antibiotics aren't good for a person... eventually they won't work. That is the case for this bout of bronchitis... they want to hold off any giving me additional antibiotics in case this turns into pneumonia and antibiotics become necessary.
My doctor is holding off on the 'heavy' steroids until she gets my blood work back... steroids play havoc on diabetics and do a number on one's bone density. She feels that right now the risk of going on prednisone is greater then the possible benefits.
So now I will wait... wait until the blood results come back and will continue to rest, sleep, and rest some more until this exacerbation slowly works it's way out of my body.
2 Corinthians 1:3-7
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.
6 Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.
7 And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation.
With love,
Aunt Shirley arrived one week ago; she has been a huge help to my father and a blessing to my mother. Although, as you will read on, the necessity of her being with them has only just begun... her assistance is needed now more then ever.
This next bit of news came as expectantly to us as I'm sure it will to you...
God has certainly heard and answered our prayers... in fact, I will tell you that He has allowed for a miracle. To the many of you who have prayed, thank you... God is good and His timing is perfect.
Mom is going home tomorrow (Friday, November 12th)... yes, you read correctly. She is being released from the hospital tomorrow and will be heading home.
If you remember reading a couple weeks ago she wasn't going to be released until the end of this month at the earliest and quite possibly the end of the year.
She still has a long road of recovery ahead of her; but we are rejoicing in the fact that a new chapter in her life is beginning tomorrow as she is released from the hospital.
Please join us in giving all the praise and glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for this miraculous healing in mom's body.
As for me, I went to the doctor yesterday... chest x-rays were taken and the good news is that I don't have pneumonia.
More good news for my family and Jeralynn; the doctor won't allow me to start on the 'heavy' dose of steroids (100mg prednisone). I say good news for them because I have not been the most pleasant person to be around lately; my attitude problem is a result of the most recent doses of steroids that I have been on.
That isn't good news for me... that means I continue to live with this COPD flare-up (exacerbation). The type of COPD that I have is chronic obstructive bronchitis... meaning constant bronchitis and the cough that goes along with it. This is the same cough that caused the cervical spinal injuries and required the many surgeries that have gone along with it.
I'm sure you have heard that too many antibiotics aren't good for a person... eventually they won't work. That is the case for this bout of bronchitis... they want to hold off any giving me additional antibiotics in case this turns into pneumonia and antibiotics become necessary.
My doctor is holding off on the 'heavy' steroids until she gets my blood work back... steroids play havoc on diabetics and do a number on one's bone density. She feels that right now the risk of going on prednisone is greater then the possible benefits.
So now I will wait... wait until the blood results come back and will continue to rest, sleep, and rest some more until this exacerbation slowly works it's way out of my body.
2 Corinthians 1:3-7
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.
6 Now if we are afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effective for enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. Or if we are comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.
7 And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation.
With love,
Thursday, November 4, 2010
November 4, 2010
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
At this time in my life it is only because He lives that I can face tomorrow. For me it's one minute at a time... sometimes it's making it through one second at a time.
If you have a family member in a rehabilitation hospital or convalescent home please, please make your presence known to the hospital staff. Stand in defense of your loved one, make surprise visits two - three times a day; if you suspect anything, investigate it... don't let anything go unnoticed.
I don't have the emotional energy to go into details; but just know, even the finest of establishments can reach their limits. Frustrations are then taken out on the most frail, the weakest patients. Patients who either don't have a voice or who can't properly communicate are the most vulnerable.
I have spent the last few days being angry, furious, not understanding and not wanting to understand. I'm not angry because my parents are ill... I'm angry because I am not physically well enough to fly down to Florida and be by my mother's side during the day and sleep by her side at night.
God and I have spent a lot of time talking these last few days... or should I say, I've been doing the talking (the yelling, the screaming) and haven't paused to listen to God's response.
Psalm 55: 1-2
1 Give ear to my prayer, O God, And do not hide Yourself from my supplication.
2 Attend to me, and hear me; I am restless in my complaint, and moan noisily.
Saturday was the single worse day mom has had since first falling three weeks ago. The last few posts have pretty much explained her day to day living so I won't spend time repeating myself.
My father has become extremely tired and is not doing well himself. He wears a Nitroglycerin Patch so that he doesn't feel any pain... however, the chest pains have increased over the last several days to the point of him experiencing significant pain even with the patch. In fact he has had to miss his compression therapy because of lacking the strength he needs to get there.
My parents health has deteriorated to the point that we have asked my aunt to fly out to Florida on Friday. I'm thanking God for my Aunt Shirley, this is my fathers sister... she is an angel sent from heaven. Auntie is in her 70's herself but if she can sit with my mom and constantly remind my mom that she isn't alone this will be a tremendous help.
Hopefully, this will allow dad to take the time he needs to rest and slowly get back up on his feet. He will continue to see mom several times a day but this way he can rest when he needs to. If dad ends up back in the hospital (which won't surprise any of us) my sister will catch the first flight out of Washington so that she can be there with auntie.
As for me, I'm struggling to keep my head above water. I'm still experiencing side effects from the few steroids that I was on... extreme mood swings, swollen face and ankles, and I've almost got a full beard going...lol.
The problem is that I need to go on a much stronger dose of steroids... (Prednisone 100 mg/daily) that's not something that I want to do at this point. Eventually I will need to give in and get on them... it's becoming more and more difficult to breathe, the coughing is causing my neck to swell and well.... the other problems would fall into the 'TMI' category.
Jeralynn came over last night so that we could talk (so that I could talk). After she sat quietly listening to me ramble and ramble (that's all I seem to be able to do) she told me that I needed to stop and take time out for myself.
Listen to christian music she told me, listen to your cd's over and over again. Listen to PR's (Pastor Ron's) sermons over and over again ~ http://granadahillscc.org/category/sermons/. Spend time doing things just for me; things that will calm my spirit, clear my head, and allow my body to start healing from this endless bout of bronchitis.
Okay, I think I can do that... in fact, I've spent the last hour or so listening to the greatest Pastor in the world deliver a wonderful message entitled 'Abba Will Wipe Away All Your Tears'.
And finally, a praise report, yes in the midst of all of this I have something incredible to thank my Lord for. I'm not sure that I am at liberty to give any names so I will hold off on that for now... but please join me in giving thanks to my Lord for an answer to prayer. Tuesday when getting the mail an envelope fell to ground... I opened it to find a check, in fact a check that was written out for a large amount of money. 'Medications for November & December' was written in the memo line... I broke down into tears praising my Lord for His goodness. (This of course caused me to start coughing until I was vomiting and unable to breath... after a nebulizer treatment I was finally able to calm down).
As I fell asleep that night I was able to rest in the arms of God knowing He will continue to provide for my every need.
It's been almost 6 years since I decided to put my trust in God and I don't regret that decision for one second. If you have been reading my blogs you have seen that when God became the Lord of my life He didn't promise an easy road for me. In fact, for me, my life turned upside down the minute I decided to follow Christ. But you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way... the circumstances of my life may be out of my control. But I wouldn't trade the peace and joy that I have within for all the money in the world.
I will praise the name of the Lord and I will not be afraid. He will stop my feet from stumbling and He will allow me to walk in the path of His light.
Psalm 56:8 - 13
8 You number my wanderings; You put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book?
9 When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me.
10 In God (I will praise His word), in the LORD (I will praise His word),
11 In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
12 Vows made to You are binding upon me, O God; I will render praises to You,
13 For You have delivered my soul from death. Have You not kept my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?
With Love,
I don't have the emotional energy to go into details; but just know, even the finest of establishments can reach their limits. Frustrations are then taken out on the most frail, the weakest patients. Patients who either don't have a voice or who can't properly communicate are the most vulnerable.
I have spent the last few days being angry, furious, not understanding and not wanting to understand. I'm not angry because my parents are ill... I'm angry because I am not physically well enough to fly down to Florida and be by my mother's side during the day and sleep by her side at night.
God and I have spent a lot of time talking these last few days... or should I say, I've been doing the talking (the yelling, the screaming) and haven't paused to listen to God's response.
Psalm 55: 1-2
1 Give ear to my prayer, O God, And do not hide Yourself from my supplication.
2 Attend to me, and hear me; I am restless in my complaint, and moan noisily.
Saturday was the single worse day mom has had since first falling three weeks ago. The last few posts have pretty much explained her day to day living so I won't spend time repeating myself.
My father has become extremely tired and is not doing well himself. He wears a Nitroglycerin Patch so that he doesn't feel any pain... however, the chest pains have increased over the last several days to the point of him experiencing significant pain even with the patch. In fact he has had to miss his compression therapy because of lacking the strength he needs to get there.
My parents health has deteriorated to the point that we have asked my aunt to fly out to Florida on Friday. I'm thanking God for my Aunt Shirley, this is my fathers sister... she is an angel sent from heaven. Auntie is in her 70's herself but if she can sit with my mom and constantly remind my mom that she isn't alone this will be a tremendous help.
Hopefully, this will allow dad to take the time he needs to rest and slowly get back up on his feet. He will continue to see mom several times a day but this way he can rest when he needs to. If dad ends up back in the hospital (which won't surprise any of us) my sister will catch the first flight out of Washington so that she can be there with auntie.
As for me, I'm struggling to keep my head above water. I'm still experiencing side effects from the few steroids that I was on... extreme mood swings, swollen face and ankles, and I've almost got a full beard going...lol.
The problem is that I need to go on a much stronger dose of steroids... (Prednisone 100 mg/daily) that's not something that I want to do at this point. Eventually I will need to give in and get on them... it's becoming more and more difficult to breathe, the coughing is causing my neck to swell and well.... the other problems would fall into the 'TMI' category.
Jeralynn came over last night so that we could talk (so that I could talk). After she sat quietly listening to me ramble and ramble (that's all I seem to be able to do) she told me that I needed to stop and take time out for myself.
Listen to christian music she told me, listen to your cd's over and over again. Listen to PR's (Pastor Ron's) sermons over and over again ~ http://granadahillscc.org/category/sermons/. Spend time doing things just for me; things that will calm my spirit, clear my head, and allow my body to start healing from this endless bout of bronchitis.
Okay, I think I can do that... in fact, I've spent the last hour or so listening to the greatest Pastor in the world deliver a wonderful message entitled 'Abba Will Wipe Away All Your Tears'.
And finally, a praise report, yes in the midst of all of this I have something incredible to thank my Lord for. I'm not sure that I am at liberty to give any names so I will hold off on that for now... but please join me in giving thanks to my Lord for an answer to prayer. Tuesday when getting the mail an envelope fell to ground... I opened it to find a check, in fact a check that was written out for a large amount of money. 'Medications for November & December' was written in the memo line... I broke down into tears praising my Lord for His goodness. (This of course caused me to start coughing until I was vomiting and unable to breath... after a nebulizer treatment I was finally able to calm down).
As I fell asleep that night I was able to rest in the arms of God knowing He will continue to provide for my every need.
It's been almost 6 years since I decided to put my trust in God and I don't regret that decision for one second. If you have been reading my blogs you have seen that when God became the Lord of my life He didn't promise an easy road for me. In fact, for me, my life turned upside down the minute I decided to follow Christ. But you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way... the circumstances of my life may be out of my control. But I wouldn't trade the peace and joy that I have within for all the money in the world.
I will praise the name of the Lord and I will not be afraid. He will stop my feet from stumbling and He will allow me to walk in the path of His light.
Psalm 56:8 - 13
8 You number my wanderings; You put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book?
9 When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know, because God is for me.
10 In God (I will praise His word), in the LORD (I will praise His word),
11 In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
12 Vows made to You are binding upon me, O God; I will render praises to You,
13 For You have delivered my soul from death. Have You not kept my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living?
With Love,
Saturday, October 30, 2010
October 30, 2010
As for me I have something to be so very thankful for today ~ an answer to prayer!
On Wednesday I awoke to find a box had been delivered to my door. I wasn't expecting anything so I didn't open it until Thursday evening. What a wonderful answer to prayer... a box full of nebulizer treatments. For those who aren't familiar with what a nebulizer is; it's one of my life supporting treatments. It clears my airways when nothing else will work... it's often my last step before running to the emergency room or calling 911.
Why is this an answer to prayer for me... because Wednesday night I had used my last two vials thus leaving my supply depleted. The price to purchase a new supply was going to cost me close to $200; since I don't have that kind of money I probably would have waited until things became really bad and gone to the hospital.
I'm still not sure why this showed up at my door... I haven't taken the time to research the "why's"... I just haven't been feeling well enough to even want to figure it out at this point.
As it stands right now, I will continue to praise my Lord for His goodness and mercy. Once again His blessings continue to pour out upon me; definitely not in my timing, but most certainly in His.
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
9 “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
With this package arriving at my door it allowed a sliver of light, a sliver of hope, just enough to know that my Lord remains in control and all things will be provided for and come to completion in His timing.
It doesn't appear that this most recent round of antibiotics and steroids did anything to improve my condition. Come Monday morning if there isn't a significant improvement then I will once again call the doctor and we will decide what the next step is.
It's now going on 7 weeks that I've been down with bronchitis...
In addition to bronchitis, side effects to the antibiotics are beginning to surface (I will spare you the exciting details of these side effects).
When a diabetic is sick blood sugars tend to run high; add steroids to the mix and it sends my sugars soaring... this causes the nerve damage in my feet (neuropathy) and nerve damage in my abdomen (stomach paralysis) to act up. Higher sugars also mean that I'm so very tired and all I want to do is sleep.
High sugars also mean an increased usage of diabetic medications... thus causing my supply to dwindle faster than it normally would. But as God showed this past week, He will provide for my needs .
Unfortunately, high sugars sometimes mean that a crash (very low sugars) can come out of the blue... just as happened last night. My sugars had dropped to the mid 30's; I think that last night was the closest I've ever come to passing out. Once again, something to be thankful to God for as both my children, son-in-law, and grandchildren were at home with me when this happened.
I'm truly looking forward to seeing how God is going to provide the medications that are needed between now and the first of the year...
Dad and Mom...
I am once again going to share some information so that you will know how to pray. I'm not putting this information out for any other reason except for you to be able to pray more specifically for my parents.
As a side note I wanted to share my parents ages with you... I think their ages just might come as a surprise to some and even shock others. For the most part, people of their age groups do not experience what they are going through. I'm hoping this will help you better understand the reason this is all so shocking to us.
Mom is a very young 69 years old, in fact she just celebrated her birthday the beginning of October.
Dad is a very young 71 years old and will be celebrating his 72nd birthday at the end of November.
Mom's condition remains extremely poor... She remains heavily medicated, in fact, if they needed to further medicate her I believe the next step would be a drug induced coma.
When praying for dad please pray that God will continue to provide him with strength. Not only for his heart but also the strength (mentally and physically) to assist in caring for my mother each day. Pray that his mind will be still at night and that he will be able to have a solid time of sleep; one spent without continually waking up in worry over my mother.
Before moving on to my mom... remember that both of my parents were out here (in California) with me in April. My mother spent four weeks taking care of me during my recovery from cervical spinal surgery and my father spent four very busy weeks being Mr. Fix-it... he did everything from plumbing repair to garage clean up to remodeling a room in my house so the boys (my grandsons) would have a special room in the house when they come over to play and / or spend the night (this only happens when Ricky is home).
Now onto mom...
Have you ever cared for an end of life alzheimer's patient? They ask the same questions over and over again. There is no rhyme or reason for most of their questions; most of their time is spent highly confused and frustrated over not understanding. They are no longer able to care for themselves and need a caregiver for their simplest daily needs.
The above description is that of my mothers daily life... without going into details this lifestyle is exhausting for all concerned, including my mother.
Believe it or not there is good news in all of this; with the amount of medication that she is now on it has allowed the last few days to be relatively pain free. That alone is great reason for us to be thankful to God; that through medication she is no longer crying out in pain. Please join our family in praising God for this answer to prayer.
It's easier for me to deal with this then I can imagine it is for my father... I'm only able to speak with mom over the phone. I've not yet seen any pictures of her; but I'm sure once I do the reality of this will set in much more then it already has for me.
As for dad, he is living this day in and day out... I'm sure that at times it seems that this may all be much more then he can or wants to handle.
The one thing I will say; my sister and I are so very proud of the fact that he has been right by her side every step of the way.
Thank you again for the very many prayers and all the thoughts and well wishes!
On Wednesday I awoke to find a box had been delivered to my door. I wasn't expecting anything so I didn't open it until Thursday evening. What a wonderful answer to prayer... a box full of nebulizer treatments. For those who aren't familiar with what a nebulizer is; it's one of my life supporting treatments. It clears my airways when nothing else will work... it's often my last step before running to the emergency room or calling 911.
Why is this an answer to prayer for me... because Wednesday night I had used my last two vials thus leaving my supply depleted. The price to purchase a new supply was going to cost me close to $200; since I don't have that kind of money I probably would have waited until things became really bad and gone to the hospital.
I'm still not sure why this showed up at my door... I haven't taken the time to research the "why's"... I just haven't been feeling well enough to even want to figure it out at this point.
As it stands right now, I will continue to praise my Lord for His goodness and mercy. Once again His blessings continue to pour out upon me; definitely not in my timing, but most certainly in His.
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
9 “ For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
With this package arriving at my door it allowed a sliver of light, a sliver of hope, just enough to know that my Lord remains in control and all things will be provided for and come to completion in His timing.
It doesn't appear that this most recent round of antibiotics and steroids did anything to improve my condition. Come Monday morning if there isn't a significant improvement then I will once again call the doctor and we will decide what the next step is.
It's now going on 7 weeks that I've been down with bronchitis...
In addition to bronchitis, side effects to the antibiotics are beginning to surface (I will spare you the exciting details of these side effects).
When a diabetic is sick blood sugars tend to run high; add steroids to the mix and it sends my sugars soaring... this causes the nerve damage in my feet (neuropathy) and nerve damage in my abdomen (stomach paralysis) to act up. Higher sugars also mean that I'm so very tired and all I want to do is sleep.
High sugars also mean an increased usage of diabetic medications... thus causing my supply to dwindle faster than it normally would. But as God showed this past week, He will provide for my needs .
Unfortunately, high sugars sometimes mean that a crash (very low sugars) can come out of the blue... just as happened last night. My sugars had dropped to the mid 30's; I think that last night was the closest I've ever come to passing out. Once again, something to be thankful to God for as both my children, son-in-law, and grandchildren were at home with me when this happened.
I'm truly looking forward to seeing how God is going to provide the medications that are needed between now and the first of the year...
Dad and Mom...
I am once again going to share some information so that you will know how to pray. I'm not putting this information out for any other reason except for you to be able to pray more specifically for my parents.
As a side note I wanted to share my parents ages with you... I think their ages just might come as a surprise to some and even shock others. For the most part, people of their age groups do not experience what they are going through. I'm hoping this will help you better understand the reason this is all so shocking to us.
Mom is a very young 69 years old, in fact she just celebrated her birthday the beginning of October.
Dad is a very young 71 years old and will be celebrating his 72nd birthday at the end of November.
Mom's condition remains extremely poor... She remains heavily medicated, in fact, if they needed to further medicate her I believe the next step would be a drug induced coma.
When praying for dad please pray that God will continue to provide him with strength. Not only for his heart but also the strength (mentally and physically) to assist in caring for my mother each day. Pray that his mind will be still at night and that he will be able to have a solid time of sleep; one spent without continually waking up in worry over my mother.
Before moving on to my mom... remember that both of my parents were out here (in California) with me in April. My mother spent four weeks taking care of me during my recovery from cervical spinal surgery and my father spent four very busy weeks being Mr. Fix-it... he did everything from plumbing repair to garage clean up to remodeling a room in my house so the boys (my grandsons) would have a special room in the house when they come over to play and / or spend the night (this only happens when Ricky is home).
Now onto mom...
Have you ever cared for an end of life alzheimer's patient? They ask the same questions over and over again. There is no rhyme or reason for most of their questions; most of their time is spent highly confused and frustrated over not understanding. They are no longer able to care for themselves and need a caregiver for their simplest daily needs.
The above description is that of my mothers daily life... without going into details this lifestyle is exhausting for all concerned, including my mother.
Believe it or not there is good news in all of this; with the amount of medication that she is now on it has allowed the last few days to be relatively pain free. That alone is great reason for us to be thankful to God; that through medication she is no longer crying out in pain. Please join our family in praising God for this answer to prayer.
It's easier for me to deal with this then I can imagine it is for my father... I'm only able to speak with mom over the phone. I've not yet seen any pictures of her; but I'm sure once I do the reality of this will set in much more then it already has for me.
As for dad, he is living this day in and day out... I'm sure that at times it seems that this may all be much more then he can or wants to handle.
The one thing I will say; my sister and I are so very proud of the fact that he has been right by her side every step of the way.
Thank you again for the very many prayers and all the thoughts and well wishes!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October 26, 2010
So much to share; I'm not sure where to begin!
Moving forward I will refer to these times in life as 'Faith Strengthening Exercises' or FSE's...
I've been in bed the last several days; still trying to fight off this bronchial COPD flare up. In other words, I've had a steady case of bronchitis for the last 6 weeks; some days are worse then others, but for the most part I remain thankful that God has allowed me to stay out of the hospital.
I've begun yet another course of antibiotics and steroids... I haven't noticed a difference yet but am holding out hope that this will work!
And then for the best news yet...
For the last 7 - 10 days the price of my med's had begun to go up... the best I could understand was that it had something to do with Medicare coverage (or the changes within). I picked up the med's that I absolutely needed and figured I could deal with the others once I began to regain some strength.
But then today as I was calling to inquire about another needed medication I received the best news of all... As of October 25th (Monday) I hit the doughnut hole! What does this mean... from now until the end of the year I no longer have prescription coverage. For someone like me who is on 20 - 30 prescriptions each month; it means no more prescriptions until January 1, 2011.
It looks like I need to spend some time making phone calls tomorrow (whether I feel like it or not). My priority for tomorrow will be trying to figure out how I can get some of the meds that I must have to live for the next two months (11 of which are for diabetes and breathing - COPD).
I received a card in the mail from a dear friend on Saturday... inside the card she gave me a scripture verse. At first I didn't think much of it... don't get me wrong, I love getting cards and treasure the Word of God along with the many scriptures within. But at the time of receiving the card and scripture it didn't pop out at me as something to hold onto tightly.
But as this week has progressed (with news of my medications and then more news about my mother) that specific scripture has become increasingly meaningful to me.
Isaiah 28-31
28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.
29 He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall,
31 But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
My father is doing well for the most part... he has only had one bad day since my mothers fall and for that we are all thankful. This is so much more magnificent when you remember that he is still operating on only a portion of his heart and five of the arteries connected to his functioning heart are 100% blocked.
He has written a short note for me to share with you.
I went to my cardiologist on October 22... as he checked me over we began to talk about my stay in the hospital. The doctor said that he did not expect me to walk out of the hospital. Neither my cardiologist nor my electrical physiologist expected me to survive the procedures that were done. In fact Dr. Freeman refused to do a procedure because he didn't think I would pull through it. As I was talking to Dr. Schreibman he asked me to wait while he e-mailed Dr. Freeman to tell him how good I was doing. He also posted a picture because he was so excited to see the results of what God did for me. Dr. Schreibman and I know that it was just the Lord that got me through this ordeal. Thank you all for your prayers, Frank
As for my mother, the news is not as good...
She did have one day that was good... good for her means having had a bearable day; one that wasn't spent crying out in pain. Regardless, we are thankful for that one day.
Dad has watched her over the last two weeks (it seems as though it has been so much longer than that). Listening to the doctors and nurses tell him that she shouldn't be in as much pain as she is in, knowing that my mother is not one to complain, and watching her in extreme agony, my father decided to do his own research.
He spent a great deal of time on the computer researching pelvic breaks and reasons that could be causing the amount of distress mom seems to be in.
On Sunday he went to the rehab hospital with a stack of research papers in hand... within a couple hours my mother was in an ambulance on her way back to the hospital.
After more scans the results came back; in addition to the three breaks in the pelvic there was an additional bone that broke when she fell. The name of this bone is Sacrum and it too has broken in three places; this is the cause of her extreme and intense pain.

In doing some of my own research in an attempt at explaining the intensity of the pain she is in, this seemed to be the best description.
The sacrum is a triangle-shaped bone made up of five fused (joined) vertebrae. The vertebrae are the bones that make up your spine. The sacrum is found at the end of the spine, with the hip bones on each side.
There are many
nerves that run directly through these broken bones... most specifically the sacral nerves.
Again, whenever she moves, the muscles and ligaments that surround these bones go into spasms... this causing her indescribable pain.
She is being sedated as much as possible; but even with this sedation most of her day is spent crying and even screaming out in pain.
The pain and sedation medications have their own side effects such as slurred speech, forgetfulness, hallucinations, and the list goes on.
Now that it is clear as to what is causing this extreme pain, the doctors are estimating 3 - 4 more weeks of this pain. Her pain won't begin to subside until the bones have had a chance to heal.
Unless God begins a miraculous healing in my mother she will remain in the rehabilitation hospital until Christmas.
I think the worse part is that throughout all of this she must continue to undergo physical therapy. It's important that she continue to work on strengthening her muscles so that she will eventually be able to get back on her feet.
With this information I would once again ask that you pray for her... that God would fill her with peace and flood her with joy.
Additionally, that God would continue to provide my father with the strength he needs to keep up with his heart therapy and then be able to tend to my mother.
As I have mentioned before, I don't have answers as to why she is experiencing the pain she is in. The fact is that the world we live in is not perfect... it is a world consumed by sin.
My mother has received the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. With this knowledge we (all of us) can rest knowing that there will be a time when she will no longer be in pain. All who have received the gift of salvation can look forward to an eternity in which our old bodies (some full of pain) will pass away and there will no longer be pain, tears, or sorrow.
For those who have not yet made a decision to follow Christ and have Him be the Lord of your life... for you, according to the Bible, there is no hope of looking forward to a time where there is no longer pain, tears, or sorrow. In fact eternity will be spent in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone (hell).
Revelation 21:3-8
3And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them.
4He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.
5And He who sits on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new" And He said, "Write, for these words are faithful and true."
6Then He said to me, "It is done I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.
7"He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son.
8"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
I'm continuing to share my Lord, my Jesus with all of you because where you spend eternity is the only thing that matters in this life.
If you have any questions regarding my Lord or the things I am writing about I would be happy to speak with you.
And finally, thank you for the many prayers that have gone up on behalf of my family. Thank you to all who have called, sent cards, letters, and emails with words of encouragement and to let us know that you care.
If you would like to send a card to mom here is her address:
Sunset Lake Health and Rehabilitation Center
Mildrene Young
832 Sunset Lake Blvd.
Venice, FL 34292
With love,
Moving forward I will refer to these times in life as 'Faith Strengthening Exercises' or FSE's...
I've been in bed the last several days; still trying to fight off this bronchial COPD flare up. In other words, I've had a steady case of bronchitis for the last 6 weeks; some days are worse then others, but for the most part I remain thankful that God has allowed me to stay out of the hospital.
I've begun yet another course of antibiotics and steroids... I haven't noticed a difference yet but am holding out hope that this will work!
And then for the best news yet...
For the last 7 - 10 days the price of my med's had begun to go up... the best I could understand was that it had something to do with Medicare coverage (or the changes within). I picked up the med's that I absolutely needed and figured I could deal with the others once I began to regain some strength.
But then today as I was calling to inquire about another needed medication I received the best news of all... As of October 25th (Monday) I hit the doughnut hole! What does this mean... from now until the end of the year I no longer have prescription coverage. For someone like me who is on 20 - 30 prescriptions each month; it means no more prescriptions until January 1, 2011.
It looks like I need to spend some time making phone calls tomorrow (whether I feel like it or not). My priority for tomorrow will be trying to figure out how I can get some of the meds that I must have to live for the next two months (11 of which are for diabetes and breathing - COPD).
I received a card in the mail from a dear friend on Saturday... inside the card she gave me a scripture verse. At first I didn't think much of it... don't get me wrong, I love getting cards and treasure the Word of God along with the many scriptures within. But at the time of receiving the card and scripture it didn't pop out at me as something to hold onto tightly.
But as this week has progressed (with news of my medications and then more news about my mother) that specific scripture has become increasingly meaningful to me.
Isaiah 28-31
28 Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.
29 He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall,
31 But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
My father is doing well for the most part... he has only had one bad day since my mothers fall and for that we are all thankful. This is so much more magnificent when you remember that he is still operating on only a portion of his heart and five of the arteries connected to his functioning heart are 100% blocked.
He has written a short note for me to share with you.
I went to my cardiologist on October 22... as he checked me over we began to talk about my stay in the hospital. The doctor said that he did not expect me to walk out of the hospital. Neither my cardiologist nor my electrical physiologist expected me to survive the procedures that were done. In fact Dr. Freeman refused to do a procedure because he didn't think I would pull through it. As I was talking to Dr. Schreibman he asked me to wait while he e-mailed Dr. Freeman to tell him how good I was doing. He also posted a picture because he was so excited to see the results of what God did for me. Dr. Schreibman and I know that it was just the Lord that got me through this ordeal. Thank you all for your prayers, Frank
As for my mother, the news is not as good...
She did have one day that was good... good for her means having had a bearable day; one that wasn't spent crying out in pain. Regardless, we are thankful for that one day.
Dad has watched her over the last two weeks (it seems as though it has been so much longer than that). Listening to the doctors and nurses tell him that she shouldn't be in as much pain as she is in, knowing that my mother is not one to complain, and watching her in extreme agony, my father decided to do his own research.
He spent a great deal of time on the computer researching pelvic breaks and reasons that could be causing the amount of distress mom seems to be in.
On Sunday he went to the rehab hospital with a stack of research papers in hand... within a couple hours my mother was in an ambulance on her way back to the hospital.
After more scans the results came back; in addition to the three breaks in the pelvic there was an additional bone that broke when she fell. The name of this bone is Sacrum and it too has broken in three places; this is the cause of her extreme and intense pain.

In doing some of my own research in an attempt at explaining the intensity of the pain she is in, this seemed to be the best description.
The sacrum is a triangle-shaped bone made up of five fused (joined) vertebrae. The vertebrae are the bones that make up your spine. The sacrum is found at the end of the spine, with the hip bones on each side.
There are many

Again, whenever she moves, the muscles and ligaments that surround these bones go into spasms... this causing her indescribable pain.
She is being sedated as much as possible; but even with this sedation most of her day is spent crying and even screaming out in pain.
The pain and sedation medications have their own side effects such as slurred speech, forgetfulness, hallucinations, and the list goes on.
Now that it is clear as to what is causing this extreme pain, the doctors are estimating 3 - 4 more weeks of this pain. Her pain won't begin to subside until the bones have had a chance to heal.
Unless God begins a miraculous healing in my mother she will remain in the rehabilitation hospital until Christmas.
I think the worse part is that throughout all of this she must continue to undergo physical therapy. It's important that she continue to work on strengthening her muscles so that she will eventually be able to get back on her feet.
With this information I would once again ask that you pray for her... that God would fill her with peace and flood her with joy.
Additionally, that God would continue to provide my father with the strength he needs to keep up with his heart therapy and then be able to tend to my mother.
As I have mentioned before, I don't have answers as to why she is experiencing the pain she is in. The fact is that the world we live in is not perfect... it is a world consumed by sin.
My mother has received the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. With this knowledge we (all of us) can rest knowing that there will be a time when she will no longer be in pain. All who have received the gift of salvation can look forward to an eternity in which our old bodies (some full of pain) will pass away and there will no longer be pain, tears, or sorrow.
For those who have not yet made a decision to follow Christ and have Him be the Lord of your life... for you, according to the Bible, there is no hope of looking forward to a time where there is no longer pain, tears, or sorrow. In fact eternity will be spent in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone (hell).
Revelation 21:3-8
3And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them.
4He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.
5And He who sits on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new" And He said, "Write, for these words are faithful and true."
6Then He said to me, "It is done I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.
7"He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son.
8"But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
I'm continuing to share my Lord, my Jesus with all of you because where you spend eternity is the only thing that matters in this life.
If you have any questions regarding my Lord or the things I am writing about I would be happy to speak with you.
And finally, thank you for the many prayers that have gone up on behalf of my family. Thank you to all who have called, sent cards, letters, and emails with words of encouragement and to let us know that you care.
If you would like to send a card to mom here is her address:
Sunset Lake Health and Rehabilitation Center
Mildrene Young
832 Sunset Lake Blvd.
Venice, FL 34292
With love,
Monday, October 18, 2010
October 18, 2010 - Mom
I'm so excited! I just had a 15 minute conversation with my mother... It was about an hour after one of the 'spasms', but I was able to speak with her, laugh with her, and even cry with her.
She is still in horrible amounts of pain... the doctors are comparing her pain to that of a woman at the peak of labor pain.
I remember back to that (there were no epidurals when I had my children)... my beautiful, wonderful daughter provided me with 40 hours of entertainment back then... I thought it would never end.
It's so hard for me to know that mom is experiencing this pain day after day. At least with a baby you know there will eventually be an end to the labor. I will say that on a scale of 1 - 100; she has moved up from a 1 to a 2 in regards to this process as a whole.
If it was only the broken bone that she was dealing with then the pain level would be minimal; but it's the spasms that are causing the greatest amount of pain.
Apparently the muscle spasms are in direct contact with nerve endings in and around the pelvic area... this is what is causing the excruciating pain.
I've told her that many are asking about, thinking about, and most importantly praying for her... she is very appreciative of all the thoughts being sent her way and the prayers going up on her behalf.
Joshua 1:9
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee to whatever place you go.
I believe that is the perfect scripture for now... We still don't understand the why's of this happening; but God does. He is right there next to mom going through this with her every step of the way.
Already, there is so much that God has allowed me to see through my mothers injury; things I would have never learned had this not happened. For the things the Lord has taught me so far; I am so very thankful.
By the way, dad is continuing to hold strong... that's one more thing to be thanking God for.
As for me, yesterday was another 'not so good day'... today seems to be starting off wonderful. It's looking like it could be fireplace weather... wishing my lungs were just a little stronger so that thought could become a reality; well, it's always fun to dream.
Off to spend some time with my Lord in prayer and in the Word!
With Love,
She is still in horrible amounts of pain... the doctors are comparing her pain to that of a woman at the peak of labor pain.
I remember back to that (there were no epidurals when I had my children)... my beautiful, wonderful daughter provided me with 40 hours of entertainment back then... I thought it would never end.
It's so hard for me to know that mom is experiencing this pain day after day. At least with a baby you know there will eventually be an end to the labor. I will say that on a scale of 1 - 100; she has moved up from a 1 to a 2 in regards to this process as a whole.
If it was only the broken bone that she was dealing with then the pain level would be minimal; but it's the spasms that are causing the greatest amount of pain.
Apparently the muscle spasms are in direct contact with nerve endings in and around the pelvic area... this is what is causing the excruciating pain.
I've told her that many are asking about, thinking about, and most importantly praying for her... she is very appreciative of all the thoughts being sent her way and the prayers going up on her behalf.
Joshua 1:9
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee to whatever place you go.
I believe that is the perfect scripture for now... We still don't understand the why's of this happening; but God does. He is right there next to mom going through this with her every step of the way.
Already, there is so much that God has allowed me to see through my mothers injury; things I would have never learned had this not happened. For the things the Lord has taught me so far; I am so very thankful.
By the way, dad is continuing to hold strong... that's one more thing to be thanking God for.
As for me, yesterday was another 'not so good day'... today seems to be starting off wonderful. It's looking like it could be fireplace weather... wishing my lungs were just a little stronger so that thought could become a reality; well, it's always fun to dream.
Off to spend some time with my Lord in prayer and in the Word!
With Love,
Friday, October 15, 2010
October 16, 2010
Psalm 116:1 I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.
There are many promises in the Word of God... but right now this is the one that I am holding on to.
A little update on me and then on to my parents...
As most of you know by now I have good days, not so good days, and then some bad days.
The last two days qualified as bad days and have been spent in bed. Wednesday I went to the doctor for a follow up visit; I was still suffering the affects of a COPD flare up but it was determined that the benefits of receiving the flu shot outweighed the risks of getting the shot while still sick.
What qualifies as a bad day for me is a combination of 'paralyzed stomach' (you can google this), a minor case of the stomach flu (from the flu shot), and an increase to the 'COPD' flare up (once again, from the flu shot).
I won't go into details, but if you are looking for investment advice I would suggest Kimberly-Clark... the makers of Depends... lol!
I've been waiting until I started recovering from the 'flare up' to start on my newest medication; but since that doesn't seem to be happening my very good friend (Jeralynn) is going to hunt it down for me.
The name of this new medication is Asafoetida; it's actually an Indian herb. It's nickname is devil's dung... it has received this name because of its strong pungent smell due to the presence of sulfur compounds.
I have just purchased empty capsules and once they arrive, along with the asafoetid, the capsules will need to be filled. Any volunteers? If this stuff works like it's suppose to I'm hoping to see a decrease in two areas; the paralysis (all digestive disorders) and the bronchitis/asthma/COPD... I'll keep you posted.
Onto my parents... please continue to pray for them... now more then ever before.
As a quick side note... the picture of my family was taken this past May when my parents were out here assisting me with the recovery of my neck surgery.
My father seems to be holding strong; although watching my mother go through this is proving to be one of the biggest trials in his life.
His daily routine goes something like this; he wakes up and goes to heart rehab... then it's off to compression therapy (external counter pulsation - you can google it). From there he's off to see my mother, home for a nap, back to see my mother and then back home. You wouldn't know that less then two months ago we were planning his funeral.
Let me first tell you that mom has been moved to a rehabilitation hospital; she will be there for the next 1 - 2 months. If you know her (even if you don't) and you would like to send her a card this is her address:
Sunset Lake Health and Rehabilitation Center
Mildrene Young
832 Sunset Lake Blvd.
Venice, FL 34292
I am not releasing her phone number right now; as you continue to read you will see that she is not able to take phone calls at this time.
I will try to explain this to the best of my knowledge; this information may change over the next few days as I become more familiar with her condition.
Please know that I am only sharing some of these details so that you can know how to pray... otherwise, I wouldn't be making some of this information public.
It is confirmed that her pelvic is broken in three places... because of the way it broke she is having muscle spasms every time she moves any part of her body.
The muscles spasm in an attempt at holding the pelvic bone together. To say this is causing her excruciating pain is putting it mildly.
She is being given morphine in addition to other pain medications, but as I will explain this doesn't always bring relief. It is my understanding that she is being given morphine every 8 hours (or as needed).
Example, when she moves and starts having muscle spasms (say 1:00) they will give her a shot of morphine... this will take away the immediate pain. The spasms take approximately 2 - 3 hours to work themselves out. As you may or may not know, morphine wears off as time goes by... that said, if she then moves again at (say 4:00) she starts into spasms again; this time the spasms are more intense as the morphine has begun to wear off and the cycle continues until her next dose (at 9:00pm).
I've only spoke with her a couple of times; during one of the calls she dropped the phone and all I could hear was a blood curdling scream.
I called yesterday and was able to speak with both my mother and father. When speaking with my mother (about 2 minutes) she spent a great deal of energy trying to make sense.. it was a combination of my guessing what she was trying to say and what she was actually able to say.
When I spoke with my father he told me that upon his arrival she was choking. He called the nurses in and they immediately sat her up in a better position and aided her in swallowing (with that she started screaming in pain). This doesn't happen constantly but it occurred frequently yesterday (I'm not sure yet how last night or today has gone).
Our brains tell our bodies how and when to do everything... with her brain being overwhelmed it doesn't seem to be sending the signals to her swallowing reflexes to swallow. What I mean by overwhelmed is the amount of pain she has had for the last several days; this combined with the fact that she's not sleeping properly and on a large amount of pain meds.
Today, Saturday, she will be starting physical therapy... this is expected to cause her even more pain then she is already in; but this is a necessary part of her healing.
Now you may understand my reference to the scripture in the beginning...
Psalm 116:1 I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.
The Lord I love is not answering my prayers the way I would have Him answer my prayers... if He was then my mother would no longer be in pain. I don't know why He is allowing her to remain in this pain... I may never know the reason.
The one thing you need to know; my Lord does hear my voice, my prayers, my requests. He is allowing this to take place for a reason, again, it may be a reason that I will never have an answer for.
Regardless, the Lord I serve remains in control; He reigns, He lives, He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
There are many of you who don't know my Lord as your Savior... you have witnessed the trials and tribulations of my life and most recently that of my family.
As you have read my story you have seen that coming to know my Heavenly Father as your Savior doesn't mean that you will be free of worry, strife, illness, or even financial worries.
The one thing it does mean is that I know where I will spend eternity and my mother has the joy (not free of pain necessarily) of knowing where she will spend eternity.
Each one of our lives will be over in a vapor and the instant each of our lives end all that will ever have mattered is where we will spend eternity.
With much love,
P.S. This should have gone out much earlier and to those of you who this is meant for I apologize. My deepest sympathies to the family of my cousin Rosie who passed away just a couple of weeks ago; you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
There are many promises in the Word of God... but right now this is the one that I am holding on to.
A little update on me and then on to my parents...
As most of you know by now I have good days, not so good days, and then some bad days.
The last two days qualified as bad days and have been spent in bed. Wednesday I went to the doctor for a follow up visit; I was still suffering the affects of a COPD flare up but it was determined that the benefits of receiving the flu shot outweighed the risks of getting the shot while still sick.
What qualifies as a bad day for me is a combination of 'paralyzed stomach' (you can google this), a minor case of the stomach flu (from the flu shot), and an increase to the 'COPD' flare up (once again, from the flu shot).
I won't go into details, but if you are looking for investment advice I would suggest Kimberly-Clark... the makers of Depends... lol!
I've been waiting until I started recovering from the 'flare up' to start on my newest medication; but since that doesn't seem to be happening my very good friend (Jeralynn) is going to hunt it down for me.
The name of this new medication is Asafoetida; it's actually an Indian herb. It's nickname is devil's dung... it has received this name because of its strong pungent smell due to the presence of sulfur compounds.
I have just purchased empty capsules and once they arrive, along with the asafoetid, the capsules will need to be filled. Any volunteers? If this stuff works like it's suppose to I'm hoping to see a decrease in two areas; the paralysis (all digestive disorders) and the bronchitis/asthma/COPD... I'll keep you posted.
Onto my parents... please continue to pray for them... now more then ever before.
As a quick side note... the picture of my family was taken this past May when my parents were out here assisting me with the recovery of my neck surgery.
My father seems to be holding strong; although watching my mother go through this is proving to be one of the biggest trials in his life.
His daily routine goes something like this; he wakes up and goes to heart rehab... then it's off to compression therapy (external counter pulsation - you can google it). From there he's off to see my mother, home for a nap, back to see my mother and then back home. You wouldn't know that less then two months ago we were planning his funeral.
Let me first tell you that mom has been moved to a rehabilitation hospital; she will be there for the next 1 - 2 months. If you know her (even if you don't) and you would like to send her a card this is her address:
Sunset Lake Health and Rehabilitation Center
Mildrene Young
832 Sunset Lake Blvd.
Venice, FL 34292
I am not releasing her phone number right now; as you continue to read you will see that she is not able to take phone calls at this time.
I will try to explain this to the best of my knowledge; this information may change over the next few days as I become more familiar with her condition.
Please know that I am only sharing some of these details so that you can know how to pray... otherwise, I wouldn't be making some of this information public.
It is confirmed that her pelvic is broken in three places... because of the way it broke she is having muscle spasms every time she moves any part of her body.
The muscles spasm in an attempt at holding the pelvic bone together. To say this is causing her excruciating pain is putting it mildly.
She is being given morphine in addition to other pain medications, but as I will explain this doesn't always bring relief. It is my understanding that she is being given morphine every 8 hours (or as needed).
Example, when she moves and starts having muscle spasms (say 1:00) they will give her a shot of morphine... this will take away the immediate pain. The spasms take approximately 2 - 3 hours to work themselves out. As you may or may not know, morphine wears off as time goes by... that said, if she then moves again at (say 4:00) she starts into spasms again; this time the spasms are more intense as the morphine has begun to wear off and the cycle continues until her next dose (at 9:00pm).
I've only spoke with her a couple of times; during one of the calls she dropped the phone and all I could hear was a blood curdling scream.
I called yesterday and was able to speak with both my mother and father. When speaking with my mother (about 2 minutes) she spent a great deal of energy trying to make sense.. it was a combination of my guessing what she was trying to say and what she was actually able to say.
When I spoke with my father he told me that upon his arrival she was choking. He called the nurses in and they immediately sat her up in a better position and aided her in swallowing (with that she started screaming in pain). This doesn't happen constantly but it occurred frequently yesterday (I'm not sure yet how last night or today has gone).
Our brains tell our bodies how and when to do everything... with her brain being overwhelmed it doesn't seem to be sending the signals to her swallowing reflexes to swallow. What I mean by overwhelmed is the amount of pain she has had for the last several days; this combined with the fact that she's not sleeping properly and on a large amount of pain meds.
Today, Saturday, she will be starting physical therapy... this is expected to cause her even more pain then she is already in; but this is a necessary part of her healing.
Now you may understand my reference to the scripture in the beginning...
Psalm 116:1 I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications.
The Lord I love is not answering my prayers the way I would have Him answer my prayers... if He was then my mother would no longer be in pain. I don't know why He is allowing her to remain in this pain... I may never know the reason.
The one thing you need to know; my Lord does hear my voice, my prayers, my requests. He is allowing this to take place for a reason, again, it may be a reason that I will never have an answer for.
Regardless, the Lord I serve remains in control; He reigns, He lives, He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
There are many of you who don't know my Lord as your Savior... you have witnessed the trials and tribulations of my life and most recently that of my family.
As you have read my story you have seen that coming to know my Heavenly Father as your Savior doesn't mean that you will be free of worry, strife, illness, or even financial worries.
The one thing it does mean is that I know where I will spend eternity and my mother has the joy (not free of pain necessarily) of knowing where she will spend eternity.
Each one of our lives will be over in a vapor and the instant each of our lives end all that will ever have mattered is where we will spend eternity.
With much love,
P.S. This should have gone out much earlier and to those of you who this is meant for I apologize. My deepest sympathies to the family of my cousin Rosie who passed away just a couple of weeks ago; you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
October 12, 2010 - My parents
I'm suppose to be updating everyone on a more frequent basis but I continue to fail on that account.
My health hasn't been terrific lately and that is my primary reason for not providing an update...
I've been fighting bronchitis / head cold / flu over the last few weeks (bottom line - doing everything in my power to stay out of the hospital). And then, trying to figure out how to deal with the most recent diagnosis of 'stomach paralysis'. I will go into all of that in more detail at a later date.
This quick update is primarily for family and friends who know my parents.
My father is holding his own... he is now operating on 1/2 of a heart. The half of his heart that is working has 5 arteries that are 100% blocked... the good news is that although it is dependent on a pacemaker, his heart is now beating in a steady rhythm.
Now for the most recent news...
Monday night approximately 10:00pm (est) my mother fell and broke her pelvic bone in 3 places. With my mother having fallen it caused my fathers heart to act up and caused him to have some intense chest pains.
Two ambulances were sent to their home and they were both taken to the hospital. My father was released in the early hours of Tuesday morning. He spent a great part of the day having physical therapy (for the heart) and then the rest of the day with my mother.
My mother is on a great number of pain pills at the moment and she will remain in the hospital for the next 1 - 2 days. After that she will be moved to a convalescent home where she will begin to receive physical therapy for an undetermined amount of time.
I've only spoke with my mother briefly as she has been trying to rest. I'm hoping to speak more with her and my father tomorrow... hoping to get a better idea as to what is happening.
Please pray for peace, comfort, and healing for my mother... she is in a severe amount of pain. Pray that my father will continue to hold his own at least until my mother gets back on her feet. And finally, that God will grant wisdom where there are questions.
In the human eye it all seems to be a bit overwhelming... but God has already written this book and knows what tomorrow will bring. There are days that I sit back and wonder if God just watches us to wonder how it is we will deal with the circumstances that lay before us.
As for now, I'm grateful to serve a Lord that hears my prayers and knows my every thought.
My health hasn't been terrific lately and that is my primary reason for not providing an update...
I've been fighting bronchitis / head cold / flu over the last few weeks (bottom line - doing everything in my power to stay out of the hospital). And then, trying to figure out how to deal with the most recent diagnosis of 'stomach paralysis'. I will go into all of that in more detail at a later date.
This quick update is primarily for family and friends who know my parents.
My father is holding his own... he is now operating on 1/2 of a heart. The half of his heart that is working has 5 arteries that are 100% blocked... the good news is that although it is dependent on a pacemaker, his heart is now beating in a steady rhythm.
Now for the most recent news...
Monday night approximately 10:00pm (est) my mother fell and broke her pelvic bone in 3 places. With my mother having fallen it caused my fathers heart to act up and caused him to have some intense chest pains.
Two ambulances were sent to their home and they were both taken to the hospital. My father was released in the early hours of Tuesday morning. He spent a great part of the day having physical therapy (for the heart) and then the rest of the day with my mother.
My mother is on a great number of pain pills at the moment and she will remain in the hospital for the next 1 - 2 days. After that she will be moved to a convalescent home where she will begin to receive physical therapy for an undetermined amount of time.
I've only spoke with my mother briefly as she has been trying to rest. I'm hoping to speak more with her and my father tomorrow... hoping to get a better idea as to what is happening.
Please pray for peace, comfort, and healing for my mother... she is in a severe amount of pain. Pray that my father will continue to hold his own at least until my mother gets back on her feet. And finally, that God will grant wisdom where there are questions.
In the human eye it all seems to be a bit overwhelming... but God has already written this book and knows what tomorrow will bring. There are days that I sit back and wonder if God just watches us to wonder how it is we will deal with the circumstances that lay before us.
As for now, I'm grateful to serve a Lord that hears my prayers and knows my every thought.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Update - My Father August 30, 2010
First, thank you for all the notes either via email or posted on Facebook! The many, many notes that came in deeply touched my mother, sister, aunt, and father.
Dad was scheduled for a procedure/surgery this morning at 11:30am (EST); this was going to be an attempt at restarting the upper part of his heart (as of this morning that part of his heart was not working).
After only 2 hours of the predicted 6 hours (at about 1:30pm) the doctor came out and said that they were not able to restart the upper part of his heart; there is nothing more that they can do for him.
In addition, they discovered that a total of 5 arteries are blocked; this is different then what we were told yesterday, that 1 artery was blocked. These 5 arteries are inoperable as his heart is too weak for open heart surgery.
My father will be released from the hospital sometime in the next few days. He will definitely have a change of lifestyle from this day forward. The doctors have said that his life expectancy can be 1 day, 1 month, or maybe another year. For those of you who know him and have gone through his many heart problems in the past; you will probably join us (his family) in that it won't be a surprise if he lived another 5 years.
The fact that he remains alive at this moment is ONLY because God has decided that my fathers life is not over yet.
This has been a good time for us as a family, being able to talk about things and making decisions that need to be made. God remains in control... no matter how much we try to plan what tomorrow may bring... God remains in control!
As for me....
My health continues to provide some entertainment as it's never the same from one day to the next.
In regards to finances... God has allowed me to stay in the home that I am renting; He has allowed this by providing for my needs one day at a time, and usually to the penny.
With my Lord's help I have been able to hold 2 yard sales in the last month. Both have been very successful and God has given me the strength to pull them off (that in itself is nothing short of a miracle). A third yard sale is planned for this coming Saturday, another on Monday, and yet a fifth on the following Saturday.
If you haven't realized it yet, the God I serve asks that we walk by faith and not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.
I wasn't really able to grasp that scripture until a few months ago when my youngest grandson was learning to walk. When he had hold of someones hand he would run; it didn't matter to him what obstacles were or were not around him. He trusted that whoever was leading him would take care of him. Sometimes he would fall, but he immediately looked up; once he realized that he was still holding on he would jump up and start running again.
Yet, when he was trying to walk on his own he would fall to the ground and start crawling. Even when he tried to walk around furniture he still wasn't sure of himself... he was walking in fear.
That's how it is with my Heavenly Father, as long as I am looking into His eyes and holding on to His hand I have nothing to fear (this means reading the Word of God daily; additionally having daily conversation with my Lord through prayer). Lately my Lord and I have been on an obstacle course with finances and health but He has NOT let me down.
Do I get nervous? Absolutely...
Do I wish that things would go smoothly; if even for a short time? Definitely...
But I do not fear what tomorrow will hold because my Lord already knows my future.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, YES, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Love to all,
Dad was scheduled for a procedure/surgery this morning at 11:30am (EST); this was going to be an attempt at restarting the upper part of his heart (as of this morning that part of his heart was not working).
After only 2 hours of the predicted 6 hours (at about 1:30pm) the doctor came out and said that they were not able to restart the upper part of his heart; there is nothing more that they can do for him.
In addition, they discovered that a total of 5 arteries are blocked; this is different then what we were told yesterday, that 1 artery was blocked. These 5 arteries are inoperable as his heart is too weak for open heart surgery.
My father will be released from the hospital sometime in the next few days. He will definitely have a change of lifestyle from this day forward. The doctors have said that his life expectancy can be 1 day, 1 month, or maybe another year. For those of you who know him and have gone through his many heart problems in the past; you will probably join us (his family) in that it won't be a surprise if he lived another 5 years.
The fact that he remains alive at this moment is ONLY because God has decided that my fathers life is not over yet.
This has been a good time for us as a family, being able to talk about things and making decisions that need to be made. God remains in control... no matter how much we try to plan what tomorrow may bring... God remains in control!
As for me....
My health continues to provide some entertainment as it's never the same from one day to the next.
In regards to finances... God has allowed me to stay in the home that I am renting; He has allowed this by providing for my needs one day at a time, and usually to the penny.
With my Lord's help I have been able to hold 2 yard sales in the last month. Both have been very successful and God has given me the strength to pull them off (that in itself is nothing short of a miracle). A third yard sale is planned for this coming Saturday, another on Monday, and yet a fifth on the following Saturday.
If you haven't realized it yet, the God I serve asks that we walk by faith and not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight.
I wasn't really able to grasp that scripture until a few months ago when my youngest grandson was learning to walk. When he had hold of someones hand he would run; it didn't matter to him what obstacles were or were not around him. He trusted that whoever was leading him would take care of him. Sometimes he would fall, but he immediately looked up; once he realized that he was still holding on he would jump up and start running again.
Yet, when he was trying to walk on his own he would fall to the ground and start crawling. Even when he tried to walk around furniture he still wasn't sure of himself... he was walking in fear.
That's how it is with my Heavenly Father, as long as I am looking into His eyes and holding on to His hand I have nothing to fear (this means reading the Word of God daily; additionally having daily conversation with my Lord through prayer). Lately my Lord and I have been on an obstacle course with finances and health but He has NOT let me down.
Do I get nervous? Absolutely...
Do I wish that things would go smoothly; if even for a short time? Definitely...
But I do not fear what tomorrow will hold because my Lord already knows my future.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, YES, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’
Love to all,
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Update - My Father
There are few things in life that one can be certain of... but the one thing I know is that my God reigns, He is in control, and regardless of what this life brings He is good all the time. His ways are perfect and He is always worthy to be praised.
This update is primarily for friends and family... yes, you all are my friends, but the next few updates will be regarding my parents and those who know them.
I do apologize for the bluntness of this note but is seemed to be the easiest way of contacting everyone who knows my parents, both family and friends.
Those who know my father are already aware that he has had a heart condition for the last 30 or so years. Through his life he has had several heart attacks, two open heart surgeries, many bypasses, and angioplasties. For the last several years he has suffered from congestive heart failure, has a pace maker and a defibrillator.
This past Wednesday afternoon at 4:00pm (EST) I had a conversation with him on the phone; by 4:30pm he was calling 911 and complaining of chest pains. Today as I write this he is hanging on to life.
He currently has a blocked artery located behind his heart; this is inoperable due to the weakness of his heart.
The lower part of his heart is working with the aid of a pacemaker. The upper part of his heart is fluttering and not functioning. This coming Monday, at 2:00pm (EST) they will take him into surgery (6 - 8 hours) with an attempt at restarting the upper part of his heart.
The doctors are at a crossroads with keeping his blood thin enough to allow flow through the blocked artery and yet not to thin as to where he will bleed out (he is currently having constant nose bleeds).
The primary concern are blood clots and the possibility that he will stroke out... for our family and the doctors, this would be worse then his passing away.
Without going into further detail... it does not appear that my father will be coming home from the hospital; but instead passing on into eternal with His Lord and Savior.
My sister arrived in Florida this evening and my Aunt Shirley will be arriving their tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Please keep my aunt in prayer as well; she has dealt with the loss of many in her life to include her husband, mother, and most recently her son.
I'm sending this out to ask for a couple of things, the first is for prayer... in regards to my father, that God would extend his mercy and prevent my father from having a stroke; but most importantly, that God's will be done in my fathers life.
Then, prayer for my mother; please ask God to carry her through this; she is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted.
And finally, to those of you who know my parents... If you could take a few moments and write my mother and father a short note of encouragement I would personally appreciate it. Please email them to me at grandmadianau@yahoo.com and I will forward it on to them. Our goal is to receive them by Sunday evening so that they can be read to my father & mother before his surgery on Monday. Send whatever is on your heart... a scripture, prayer, or a simple note would be wonderful.
I'm sure this is confusing, so I apologize... I'm very tired at the moment but felt the need to get this out as I wanted to give everyone a chance to send him a note.
Please forward this information on to those who will pray and to those who you think might want to know.
Love to all,
This update is primarily for friends and family... yes, you all are my friends, but the next few updates will be regarding my parents and those who know them.
I do apologize for the bluntness of this note but is seemed to be the easiest way of contacting everyone who knows my parents, both family and friends.
Those who know my father are already aware that he has had a heart condition for the last 30 or so years. Through his life he has had several heart attacks, two open heart surgeries, many bypasses, and angioplasties. For the last several years he has suffered from congestive heart failure, has a pace maker and a defibrillator.
This past Wednesday afternoon at 4:00pm (EST) I had a conversation with him on the phone; by 4:30pm he was calling 911 and complaining of chest pains. Today as I write this he is hanging on to life.
He currently has a blocked artery located behind his heart; this is inoperable due to the weakness of his heart.
The lower part of his heart is working with the aid of a pacemaker. The upper part of his heart is fluttering and not functioning. This coming Monday, at 2:00pm (EST) they will take him into surgery (6 - 8 hours) with an attempt at restarting the upper part of his heart.
The doctors are at a crossroads with keeping his blood thin enough to allow flow through the blocked artery and yet not to thin as to where he will bleed out (he is currently having constant nose bleeds).
The primary concern are blood clots and the possibility that he will stroke out... for our family and the doctors, this would be worse then his passing away.
Without going into further detail... it does not appear that my father will be coming home from the hospital; but instead passing on into eternal with His Lord and Savior.
My sister arrived in Florida this evening and my Aunt Shirley will be arriving their tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Please keep my aunt in prayer as well; she has dealt with the loss of many in her life to include her husband, mother, and most recently her son.
I'm sending this out to ask for a couple of things, the first is for prayer... in regards to my father, that God would extend his mercy and prevent my father from having a stroke; but most importantly, that God's will be done in my fathers life.
Then, prayer for my mother; please ask God to carry her through this; she is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted.
And finally, to those of you who know my parents... If you could take a few moments and write my mother and father a short note of encouragement I would personally appreciate it. Please email them to me at grandmadianau@yahoo.com and I will forward it on to them. Our goal is to receive them by Sunday evening so that they can be read to my father & mother before his surgery on Monday. Send whatever is on your heart... a scripture, prayer, or a simple note would be wonderful.
I'm sure this is confusing, so I apologize... I'm very tired at the moment but felt the need to get this out as I wanted to give everyone a chance to send him a note.
Please forward this information on to those who will pray and to those who you think might want to know.
Love to all,
Friday, June 18, 2010
June 18, 2010
I'm really going to make an attempt at sending these out on a regular basis. There is so much to share about the day-to-day goings-on and how God is continuing to work in my life.
Most of you who are reading this already know my story. Recently God allowed me to see a scripture that I have read over and over again; but this time it applied to me in a different way. This specific scripture will allow me to more easily share how God has worked in my life over the last several weeks.
The scripture is the entirety of Psalm 116; but in an attempt at shortening this entry I am selecting just a few of the verses.
Psalm 116:1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 19
Verse 1 reads
I love the Lord, because He hears my voice and my supplications.
I have cried out to the Lord daily over the past several years in regards to my health. I've gone from being in relatively good health to lying in a hospital bed not knowing if God was going to allow me to take another breathe. I knew my Lord heard me, but I also knew that His choice for me during those times was with the answer being no or not right now.
Verse 4 reads
I called upon the name of the Lord: "O Lord, I beseech you, save my life!"
My plea at times would be Lord, please heal my body and restore my health. Other times I would cry out to Him that I no longer wanted to live a life of constant pain along with a continued deterioration of my health.
Verse 9 reads
I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living.
Most of you are aware that I have recently undergone one of the more serious of the multitude of surgeries that I have experienced over the last 8 years.
The doctors had given me a 50% chance of surviving this surgery. (If you are unfamiliar with my story then you will need to spend some time reading this blog to catch up.)
The surgery went extremely well and I was not put on life support. (It was fully expected that I would be kept on a respirator for at least the beginning of my recovery. This ended up being one of many miracles from my Lord over the last several weeks.)
And then the waiting began... Would the constant (almost every minute of every day) migraines continue? Would I regain the feeling and strength in my left arm?
When I first awoke from surgery I was furious... I was in more pain at that time then I was in prior to surgery. The problem was believed that my right shoulder had been dislocated during surgery (I will explain that later); that turned out not to be the case (thank God). However, the first 2 - 3 days after surgery were spent on pain management and determining whether I would ever have use of this arm again (and this was my good arm prior to having surgery). Eventually the shoulder pain went away and I regained full use of that arm.
The numbness and strength in my left arm didn't disappear immediately as I believed that it would. I still have occasional numbness and loss of strength in that arm; but this too is a story for another day.
But there was one thing that did change; and this change was huge.
As time has passed over the last several weeks I have continued to converse with my Lord asking, has this really happened... have you really healed me from these headaches? It was then that I began to realize that I hadn't had one headache since the day of surgery (April 19th).
Verse 12 reads
What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?
It is true! Lord, my Lord, you have healed me from the headaches I have had for the last 3 1/2 years. The same headaches that have kept me bedridden nearly everyday of those 3 1/2 years.
How do I begin to thank my Lord for all that He had done for me?
Verse 18 reads
I shall pay my vows to the Lord, may it be in the presence of all His people.
Well it's been 2 months now and I have been sharing this miracle with just a few of you. After reading this scripture I realized that not only did I have a desire to, but that I needed to share this great and marvelous miracle with all of you!
Verse 19 reads
In the courts of the Lord's house; In the midst of you, O Jerusalem. Praise The Lord!
Take a moment and Praise the name of the Lord with me!
The Lord had been prodding me to send out this update for some time now; publicly thanking and giving praise to the One who has begun a healing in my body. The following scripture verse has continued to come to my mind and heart as I continue to rejoice.
Isaiah 55:12
For you shall go out with joy, and be lead out with peace. The mountains and the hills shall break into singing before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Love to you all,
Most of you who are reading this already know my story. Recently God allowed me to see a scripture that I have read over and over again; but this time it applied to me in a different way. This specific scripture will allow me to more easily share how God has worked in my life over the last several weeks.
The scripture is the entirety of Psalm 116; but in an attempt at shortening this entry I am selecting just a few of the verses.
Psalm 116:1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 19
Verse 1 reads
I love the Lord, because He hears my voice and my supplications.
I have cried out to the Lord daily over the past several years in regards to my health. I've gone from being in relatively good health to lying in a hospital bed not knowing if God was going to allow me to take another breathe. I knew my Lord heard me, but I also knew that His choice for me during those times was with the answer being no or not right now.
Verse 4 reads
I called upon the name of the Lord: "O Lord, I beseech you, save my life!"
My plea at times would be Lord, please heal my body and restore my health. Other times I would cry out to Him that I no longer wanted to live a life of constant pain along with a continued deterioration of my health.
Verse 9 reads
I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living.
Most of you are aware that I have recently undergone one of the more serious of the multitude of surgeries that I have experienced over the last 8 years.
The doctors had given me a 50% chance of surviving this surgery. (If you are unfamiliar with my story then you will need to spend some time reading this blog to catch up.)
The surgery went extremely well and I was not put on life support. (It was fully expected that I would be kept on a respirator for at least the beginning of my recovery. This ended up being one of many miracles from my Lord over the last several weeks.)
And then the waiting began... Would the constant (almost every minute of every day) migraines continue? Would I regain the feeling and strength in my left arm?
When I first awoke from surgery I was furious... I was in more pain at that time then I was in prior to surgery. The problem was believed that my right shoulder had been dislocated during surgery (I will explain that later); that turned out not to be the case (thank God). However, the first 2 - 3 days after surgery were spent on pain management and determining whether I would ever have use of this arm again (and this was my good arm prior to having surgery). Eventually the shoulder pain went away and I regained full use of that arm.
The numbness and strength in my left arm didn't disappear immediately as I believed that it would. I still have occasional numbness and loss of strength in that arm; but this too is a story for another day.
But there was one thing that did change; and this change was huge.
As time has passed over the last several weeks I have continued to converse with my Lord asking, has this really happened... have you really healed me from these headaches? It was then that I began to realize that I hadn't had one headache since the day of surgery (April 19th).
Verse 12 reads
What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?
It is true! Lord, my Lord, you have healed me from the headaches I have had for the last 3 1/2 years. The same headaches that have kept me bedridden nearly everyday of those 3 1/2 years.
How do I begin to thank my Lord for all that He had done for me?
Verse 18 reads
I shall pay my vows to the Lord, may it be in the presence of all His people.
Well it's been 2 months now and I have been sharing this miracle with just a few of you. After reading this scripture I realized that not only did I have a desire to, but that I needed to share this great and marvelous miracle with all of you!
Verse 19 reads
In the courts of the Lord's house; In the midst of you, O Jerusalem. Praise The Lord!
Take a moment and Praise the name of the Lord with me!
The Lord had been prodding me to send out this update for some time now; publicly thanking and giving praise to the One who has begun a healing in my body. The following scripture verse has continued to come to my mind and heart as I continue to rejoice.
Isaiah 55:12
For you shall go out with joy, and be lead out with peace. The mountains and the hills shall break into singing before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Love to you all,
Saturday, May 15, 2010
May 15, 2010
I'm doing pretty good.
Haven't had any headaches since the surgery.
My neck swells easily so I keep ice on it and continue with Motrin.
I went out for two hours with my mother yesterday and did pretty good; with the exemption being a very swollen neck.
The coughing is still pretty intense and I'm up most of the night with that. One day left on the current antibiotics and steroids. I will be calling the doctor tomorrow to let her know there isn't any change with the cough.
My neck swells when I do too much... My arm no longer gives me problems during the night. The only time I have problems with my arm is when my neck is swollen.
Haven't had any headaches since the surgery.
My neck swells easily so I keep ice on it and continue with Motrin.
I went out for two hours with my mother yesterday and did pretty good; with the exemption being a very swollen neck.
The coughing is still pretty intense and I'm up most of the night with that. One day left on the current antibiotics and steroids. I will be calling the doctor tomorrow to let her know there isn't any change with the cough.
My neck swells when I do too much... My arm no longer gives me problems during the night. The only time I have problems with my arm is when my neck is swollen.
Monday, May 10, 2010
May 10, 2010
Thank you all for your prayers! God is good and I am feeling great!
I haven't been able to respond to many of you, but please know that I appreciate the prayers, thoughts, cards, emails, phone calls, flowers, clean house, Facebook comments, and everything else that has been sent my way.
This update is from me; at least this one is... I can't promise that I will be the author of the next one, but I am taking this one day at a time.... so here goes.
The last few days have consisted of a little more pain then usual. I slipped and fell in the shower on Friday; I don't think additional injury was done but it has caused a greater amount of pain.
No more stand alone showers for me... for the immediate future it means that I will be showering supervised with a shower chair.
I'm not sure if life can get any more humbling then wearing diapers and now showering supervised with a shower chair... lol.
The COPD symptoms have been increasing; this means my mother and I have been getting up several times each night for breathing treatments and medications. Additional medications were added but they didn't make any difference. The doctor called today to tell me she is starting me back on antibiotics and steroids as of tonight.
My daughter spent a couple days in the hospital last week with a headache that just won't go away. They are sending her to UCLA for further testing... this will take place in a couple weeks. I'm trusting God that these are migraines that can be controlled with medication. Meanwhile, please keep her and her family in your prayers.
My father has been staying busy around the house getting many handyman projects done... this has been wonderful!
And last, I have a goal to meet! My little Nathanial is turning 1 on the 19th of this month... can you believe it? My goal is to make it to his 1st Birthday party!
Love to all,
I haven't been able to respond to many of you, but please know that I appreciate the prayers, thoughts, cards, emails, phone calls, flowers, clean house, Facebook comments, and everything else that has been sent my way.
This update is from me; at least this one is... I can't promise that I will be the author of the next one, but I am taking this one day at a time.... so here goes.
The last few days have consisted of a little more pain then usual. I slipped and fell in the shower on Friday; I don't think additional injury was done but it has caused a greater amount of pain.
No more stand alone showers for me... for the immediate future it means that I will be showering supervised with a shower chair.
I'm not sure if life can get any more humbling then wearing diapers and now showering supervised with a shower chair... lol.
The COPD symptoms have been increasing; this means my mother and I have been getting up several times each night for breathing treatments and medications. Additional medications were added but they didn't make any difference. The doctor called today to tell me she is starting me back on antibiotics and steroids as of tonight.
My daughter spent a couple days in the hospital last week with a headache that just won't go away. They are sending her to UCLA for further testing... this will take place in a couple weeks. I'm trusting God that these are migraines that can be controlled with medication. Meanwhile, please keep her and her family in your prayers.
My father has been staying busy around the house getting many handyman projects done... this has been wonderful!
And last, I have a goal to meet! My little Nathanial is turning 1 on the 19th of this month... can you believe it? My goal is to make it to his 1st Birthday party!
Love to all,
Friday, May 7, 2010
May 6, 2010
Staples removed today so hopefully itching will subside. Still not feeling tip top. The prescription cough syrup did help, however, so fewer night time breathing treatments. This helps Diana's mother get more sleep, too, as she administers the treatments. Diana's dad is going strong with household projects for Diana.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
May 4, 2010
Diana went to see her Primary Care Physician today. She was given a prescription cough syrup to try and squelch her cough instead of the steroids and antibiotic like before. Hopefully this will give her the rest she is not getting at night. One staple came out by mistake. Her scar is really itchy.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Diana is still not sleeping well due to the cough. She will be seeing her surgeon this Thursday. Her left arm has not felt this good in years and does not cause her pain at night. Movement is getting better.
The right shoulder that was hurt in bed transferring after surgery is much better too. She is very, very tired today.
The right shoulder that was hurt in bed transferring after surgery is much better too. She is very, very tired today.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
April 29, 2010
She feels better today and saw her assessment/physical therapist lady today. She is improved from before and the therapist hopes to get insurance approval to see Diana a few more times. The assessment of Diana is that the same problem can occur again from the COPD cough or from Diana lifting, moving and taxing herself too much. She needs to be CAREFUL for the rest of her life not to bring on another spinal cord injury. Later on today, she might make a pot of coffee to share with Jeralynn.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
April 27, 2010
It's been a bad day for Diana because it was a bad Monday night. Her COPD cough kept her awake and in pain. Her neck is now more swollen and the pain is again ever present. Getting the breathing treatment meds took all day and arrived at 5 pm. She is not in a good mood despite being able to walk to the kitchen to make herself a pot of coffee the way she likes it. Please, no phone calls or visits until next week. Please remember to keep her in your prayers!
Monday, April 26, 2010
April 26, 2010
Diana sat in her jammies in the living room today. The medical assessment lady came by and rated her post surgery condition as 'poor'. This assessment was actually given now as a spinal cord injury due to the screw that was loosened and lodged on the nerve. Another assessment will be done on Thursday. It will take up to a year before we know the final baseline of Diana's recovery. The pain in her hips now is most likely due to the injury. She might accept phone calls on Wednesday but it depends on how she feels. Last night she did enjoy knowing her family was having a rousing good game of Monopoly.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
April 25, 2010
Diana is home. Her parents from Florida are here to care for her. She is very, very tired and having trouble getting comfortable. Her room looks like she could open up a florist shop. Please give her a couple of days to adjust to life at home without the IV pain meds before you phone or ask to visit. She is so thankful for her family and friends.
Friday, April 23, 2010
April 23, 2010
Well, things are looking up for Lady Diana! Yesterday she was able to move around a lot more, and walked about 100 feet down the hallway. She is also able to move her shoulder a bit, and the pain is being much better managed by the medication. At this point, she is looking at possibly going home this Saturday!
Praise God for a successful surgery, and so far a blessed recovery stage!
Praise God for a successful surgery, and so far a blessed recovery stage!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
April 22, 2010
Diana Underwood was doing better yesterday. Her shoulder is much improved and will not need treatment. Praise God!
She is still mostly bed bound. She walked part of the hallway, came back and rated her neck pain as a 7. She will take phone calls (Rm. 369) and will receive visitors for SHORT visits. She sends her greetings and smiles to you all. Please turn in your name tag after your visit. The hospital keeps the count and will not allow others in to see her if the tally chart shows folks are still there (Information was provided by Jeralynn Langton).
Please continue to pray for her healing and comfort.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
April 22, 2010
Diana is doing better today. Her shoulder is much improved and will not need treatment. She is still mostly bed bound. She did walk part of the hallway but then came back and rated her neck pain as 7. She will take phone calls (room 369) and will receive visitors for SHORT visits. She sends her greetings and smiles to you all. A bouquet of tulips and a picture drawn by her grandson brighten her room.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
April 20, 2010
Bad news: Diana is unable to have calls or visitors at least for today and tomorrow due to the pain, and is still suffering so much from her right shoulder. :(
Good news: The doctor approved a Nebulizer for her which has already greatly helped reduce coughing. Coughing was a huge problem; each cough shook her shoulder. So the Nebulizer is a great blessing!
Jeralynn was able to establish somewhat of a routine for the day/night for Diana....things like timing of pain medicine, changing bedding and clothes, etc.
Diana is also finally able to eat! Small amounts, but still a huge step.
And finally, she was fitted for a neck brace which has already been helpful in keeping her neck/shoulders immobilized.
Victoria/Jeralynn for Diana
Good news: The doctor approved a Nebulizer for her which has already greatly helped reduce coughing. Coughing was a huge problem; each cough shook her shoulder. So the Nebulizer is a great blessing!
Jeralynn was able to establish somewhat of a routine for the day/night for Diana....things like timing of pain medicine, changing bedding and clothes, etc.
Diana is also finally able to eat! Small amounts, but still a huge step.
And finally, she was fitted for a neck brace which has already been helpful in keeping her neck/shoulders immobilized.
Victoria/Jeralynn for Diana
Monday, April 19, 2010
April 19, 2010
Diana's surgery was very successful this morning! She was under for three hours and 40 minutes, but emerged at 12:10 and the doctors are very pleased. She was blessed to have the same doctor as before operating. Another blessing was the fact that Barbara Wright's coworker was the operating nurse, and was very diligent about giving immediate updates. There was no second plate put in Diana's neck, which was what we wanted. Diana is doing well as far as what is expected post-surgery: she is able to breathe on her own but is using an oxygen tube. Her face is swollen because of the position she was in for the surgery, but the surgical site doesn't hurt very much.
Unfortunately, her right shoulder was badly wrenched at some point during the procedure and a main ligament was stretched. Her shoulder is in immense pain, and she is on both a morphine drip and vicodin.
She is keeping ice chips down, and the doctor is optimistic about the overall results.
Please pray that her shoulder will heal with supernatural speed, and that her pain will be better managed by what resources the doctors can offer.
Victoria/Jeralynn for Diana
Unfortunately, her right shoulder was badly wrenched at some point during the procedure and a main ligament was stretched. Her shoulder is in immense pain, and she is on both a morphine drip and vicodin.
She is keeping ice chips down, and the doctor is optimistic about the overall results.
Please pray that her shoulder will heal with supernatural speed, and that her pain will be better managed by what resources the doctors can offer.
Victoria/Jeralynn for Diana
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
April 14, 2010 ~ Weekly Update #62
One word... frustration!
Monday ~ Went in for my pre-op... things went well; including the x-ray that came back clear.
While I was there I asked for a couple more 'happy shots'; one for pain, one for nausea. At this point I was informed that I couldn't receive additional shots prior to surgery because these shots cause blood thinning. I was also told that the 6 - 8 Excedrin (daily) that I have been relying on to keep my headaches at bay wouldn't be permitted either as they too cause blood thinning.
I was once again reminded of the seriousness of this surgery and of the many complications that will most likely rear their heads either in a very minor or very severe way; both during and after surgery.
With all this knowledge the only thing I walked away with was knowing that I would be suffering from extreme headaches, with no relief until surgery.
The good news... I'm able to continue with Vicodin to cope with the chronic arm pain.
Bad news... by the time I went to bed I had begun coughing (caused by COPD).
Tuesday ~ Went to another doctor appointment... waited for an hour to see the doctor and worked myself up into a frenzy... this causing a ridiculous increase to the headache I already had.
The coughing increased and I began an increase in inhaler usage and nebulizer treatments.
Wednesday ~ Can I just say that I love my friend Jeralynn! She was going to call my doctor in the morning and inform her of the changes in my condition... instead she drove to the office to leave a handwritten note to make sure the doctor received the message.
The doctor called me back within about 2 hours... started on steroids and antibiotics, she also said that she may cancel the surgery.
Please pray that the COPD inflammation will reverse itself and the surgery can proceed as scheduled.
Bottom line, my Lord already knows whether this surgery will take place or not... no sense in my working myself up...
And finally, please tell Jeralynn thank you when you see her... she puts up with a great deal from me! Also, let Stephen (J's husband) know that you appreciate his supporting her in assisting me on a daily basis.
Love to all,
Monday ~ Went in for my pre-op... things went well; including the x-ray that came back clear.
While I was there I asked for a couple more 'happy shots'; one for pain, one for nausea. At this point I was informed that I couldn't receive additional shots prior to surgery because these shots cause blood thinning. I was also told that the 6 - 8 Excedrin (daily) that I have been relying on to keep my headaches at bay wouldn't be permitted either as they too cause blood thinning.
I was once again reminded of the seriousness of this surgery and of the many complications that will most likely rear their heads either in a very minor or very severe way; both during and after surgery.
With all this knowledge the only thing I walked away with was knowing that I would be suffering from extreme headaches, with no relief until surgery.
The good news... I'm able to continue with Vicodin to cope with the chronic arm pain.
Bad news... by the time I went to bed I had begun coughing (caused by COPD).
Tuesday ~ Went to another doctor appointment... waited for an hour to see the doctor and worked myself up into a frenzy... this causing a ridiculous increase to the headache I already had.
The coughing increased and I began an increase in inhaler usage and nebulizer treatments.
Wednesday ~ Can I just say that I love my friend Jeralynn! She was going to call my doctor in the morning and inform her of the changes in my condition... instead she drove to the office to leave a handwritten note to make sure the doctor received the message.
The doctor called me back within about 2 hours... started on steroids and antibiotics, she also said that she may cancel the surgery.
Please pray that the COPD inflammation will reverse itself and the surgery can proceed as scheduled.
Bottom line, my Lord already knows whether this surgery will take place or not... no sense in my working myself up...
And finally, please tell Jeralynn thank you when you see her... she puts up with a great deal from me! Also, let Stephen (J's husband) know that you appreciate his supporting her in assisting me on a daily basis.
Love to all,
Saturday, April 10, 2010
April 10, 2010 ~ Weekly Update #61
When my body cries out, "I am in pain"!
All I need do is look to Jesus and speak His name
As He sits and shares my pain; I quietly hear His voice speak my name and say. "Lo, I am with you always....".
I hope this entry will provide the information that many of you have asked for...
Date: April 19th
Time: I think surgery starts around 8:30am (but one never knows until it actually happens)
Surgery length: Estimation is between 5 - 10 hours
What will the surgery accomplish: Removal of the plate and three screws in the back of my neck, and dislodging and removal of the fourth screw in my spinal cord.
Where: Providence Holy Cross Hospital
15031 Rinaldi Street, Mission Hills, CA 91345
(818) 365 - 8051
Length of stay: Release date should be either Friday or Saturday
Am I nervous: Not at all... I'm counting the days and will soon be counting the hours
How will all of you be updated: A friend of mine will be entering an update on this blog every evening...
Prayer requests:
~ That surgery brings the healing that I am asking my Lord for and that the chronic pain will be gone
~ Coming off the ventilator will be easy (with the lung disease; my lungs may decide that they are more comfortable having the ventilator doing the work for them)
~ Sugars will be controlled, infection doesn't set in, and healing is without complications (due to diabetes)
Love to all,
All I need do is look to Jesus and speak His name
As He sits and shares my pain; I quietly hear His voice speak my name and say. "Lo, I am with you always....".
I hope this entry will provide the information that many of you have asked for...
Date: April 19th
Time: I think surgery starts around 8:30am (but one never knows until it actually happens)
Surgery length: Estimation is between 5 - 10 hours
What will the surgery accomplish: Removal of the plate and three screws in the back of my neck, and dislodging and removal of the fourth screw in my spinal cord.
Where: Providence Holy Cross Hospital
15031 Rinaldi Street, Mission Hills, CA 91345
(818) 365 - 8051
Length of stay: Release date should be either Friday or Saturday
Am I nervous: Not at all... I'm counting the days and will soon be counting the hours
How will all of you be updated: A friend of mine will be entering an update on this blog every evening...
Prayer requests:
~ That surgery brings the healing that I am asking my Lord for and that the chronic pain will be gone
~ Coming off the ventilator will be easy (with the lung disease; my lungs may decide that they are more comfortable having the ventilator doing the work for them)
~ Sugars will be controlled, infection doesn't set in, and healing is without complications (due to diabetes)
Love to all,
Friday, March 26, 2010
March 27, 2010 ~ Weekly Update #60
I see the finish line... I'm crawling toward it... the pain is intense and continuing to grow with each movement that is made. My mind keeps telling me to go through the motions... don't stop... keep moving! My body tells me to stop but I know that I don't have a choice... just a few more things to do and then I can rest!
Three weeks, two days left!
My goal has been to meet with so many of you prior to going into surgery. That bright idea doesn't look as if it is going to happen. If I haven't already scheduled a 'date' with you then let's plan on getting together after the surgery (or, you could come and see me in the hospital). The time is slipping away faster and faster... I still have so much to take care of over the next 23 days!
First on the list is to complete my 'Five Wishes'. This is something that I was hoping to have done a couple weeks back, it just didn't happen. No matter who you are, this is something that you should look into and have on file... it's the greatest gift you could give your family. http://www.agingwithdignity.org/five-wishes.php
Five Wishes lets your family and doctors know:
Who you want to make health care decisions for you when you can't make them.
The kind of medical treatment you want or don't want.
How comfortable you want to be.
How you want people to treat you.
What you want your loved ones to know.
Another piece of interesting information... Medcure (This is NOT Medicare). This is a no-cost, compassionate alternative to a traditional funeral. I've been signed up for this for years... it's certainly worth taking a look at, especially if you are financially frugal.
I'm trying to take this one week at a time... this week I would like to...
Attend the Palm Sunday service at church...
Celebrate the birth of my eldest... Jennifer (my princess) will be turning 27 on March 31st. I am so thankful to have this wonderful young lady in my life and so proud to be able to call her my daughter!
Attend the Good Friday Service at church on the evening of April 2nd. If your church does not have a Good Friday service please consider coming to our church. http://granadahillscc.org/ This is a time when we reflect on God the Father sending His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross in place of our sin. It's time spent thanking God for sending His Son and then thanking Christ for giving His perfect life for what is the filth of our sin.
Then comes Easter Sunday morning; this is when we celebrate our Risen Lord. Yes, he died, but three days later He rose from the grave. During this service we will give praise to our Lord for what He has done and what He will continue to do in the lives of those who serve Him. Again, if you are looking for somewhere to attend please know that I would love to see you Easter Sunday Morning. http://granadahillscc.org/
Next, either Sunday afternoon/evening, or Monday evening my family will be celebrating me! Yes, it's true, I will be turning 47 on Easter Sunday! Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate... ME!
So that everyone knows that I'm not forgetting... At some point before surgery my family will join together again, but this time it will be in celebration of my son's birth... my handsome baby boy is turning 24 years old on April 16th.
In between all of this, Rick is helping me get as much as possible listed on Craigslist and in our eBay store. The goal for the next two weeks is to make as much money as possible so that most of the bills can be paid in advance for one or two months. This way, the continued focal point of money worries can be transferred to the focal point being a time for healing and recovery.
As I mentioned in the beginning, the pain is growing more severe with each passing day. Each one of my days goes something like this...
I wake up (whenever I wake up).... spend time in the Bible and in prayer (I continue to pray for many of you as the Lord puts you on my heart); this is done while I am sitting with ice on my head and/or neck to reduce any swelling and/or pain that occurred during sleep.
Then I will try to do something, anything that is working towards being accomplished, whether it's paperwork, eBay, sorting... After a couple hours of this it's back to putting ice on my head/neck, pain pills, and back to bed.
This cycle repeats itself throughout the day unless I stop to take advantage of the help I receive from either Rick, or when Jennifer and her family stop by. And then there are the boys... any time they show up I stop what I'm doing and focus my attention on them. This time is usually spent watching them while they play on the swing set!
My sugars have continued to stay down, however, the neuropathy in my hands and feet have greatly increased over the last few weeks. With that, my medication has once again changed and increased. The amount of bleeding that I experience has increased, but this is chalked up to the increased amount of, as well as the harshness of the pain pills that I am requiring. Hopefully, this will dissipate after surgery, resulting in the reduction in pain.
As I'm writing this I've found myself pausing and reflecting on my life... it's very important to me that you don't have the wrong impression of my life. It's important to me that you know that I couldn't ask for anything better then the life my Lord has given me.
PR (my pastor) sent a note to me earlier this week... I'm going to share part of his note with you...
Philippians 4:11-13
11Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.
12I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
13I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
When we learn to be content whatever the circumstances, it takes away the power of the enemy (Satan). It takes away his ability to frustrate us. Not only that, but by our actions we are showing our faith in God. When you choose to trust in His timing, you can live in peace, you can live in joy, and you can rest in Him knowing that He has good things in store for your future.
Love to all,
Three weeks, two days left!
My goal has been to meet with so many of you prior to going into surgery. That bright idea doesn't look as if it is going to happen. If I haven't already scheduled a 'date' with you then let's plan on getting together after the surgery (or, you could come and see me in the hospital). The time is slipping away faster and faster... I still have so much to take care of over the next 23 days!
First on the list is to complete my 'Five Wishes'. This is something that I was hoping to have done a couple weeks back, it just didn't happen. No matter who you are, this is something that you should look into and have on file... it's the greatest gift you could give your family. http://www.agingwithdignity.org/five-wishes.php
Five Wishes lets your family and doctors know:
Who you want to make health care decisions for you when you can't make them.
The kind of medical treatment you want or don't want.
How comfortable you want to be.
How you want people to treat you.
What you want your loved ones to know.
Another piece of interesting information... Medcure (This is NOT Medicare). This is a no-cost, compassionate alternative to a traditional funeral. I've been signed up for this for years... it's certainly worth taking a look at, especially if you are financially frugal.
I'm trying to take this one week at a time... this week I would like to...
Attend the Palm Sunday service at church...
Celebrate the birth of my eldest... Jennifer (my princess) will be turning 27 on March 31st. I am so thankful to have this wonderful young lady in my life and so proud to be able to call her my daughter!
Attend the Good Friday Service at church on the evening of April 2nd. If your church does not have a Good Friday service please consider coming to our church. http://granadahillscc.org/ This is a time when we reflect on God the Father sending His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross in place of our sin. It's time spent thanking God for sending His Son and then thanking Christ for giving His perfect life for what is the filth of our sin.
Then comes Easter Sunday morning; this is when we celebrate our Risen Lord. Yes, he died, but three days later He rose from the grave. During this service we will give praise to our Lord for what He has done and what He will continue to do in the lives of those who serve Him. Again, if you are looking for somewhere to attend please know that I would love to see you Easter Sunday Morning. http://granadahillscc.org/
Next, either Sunday afternoon/evening, or Monday evening my family will be celebrating me! Yes, it's true, I will be turning 47 on Easter Sunday! Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate... ME!
So that everyone knows that I'm not forgetting... At some point before surgery my family will join together again, but this time it will be in celebration of my son's birth... my handsome baby boy is turning 24 years old on April 16th.
In between all of this, Rick is helping me get as much as possible listed on Craigslist and in our eBay store. The goal for the next two weeks is to make as much money as possible so that most of the bills can be paid in advance for one or two months. This way, the continued focal point of money worries can be transferred to the focal point being a time for healing and recovery.
As I mentioned in the beginning, the pain is growing more severe with each passing day. Each one of my days goes something like this...
I wake up (whenever I wake up).... spend time in the Bible and in prayer (I continue to pray for many of you as the Lord puts you on my heart); this is done while I am sitting with ice on my head and/or neck to reduce any swelling and/or pain that occurred during sleep.
Then I will try to do something, anything that is working towards being accomplished, whether it's paperwork, eBay, sorting... After a couple hours of this it's back to putting ice on my head/neck, pain pills, and back to bed.
This cycle repeats itself throughout the day unless I stop to take advantage of the help I receive from either Rick, or when Jennifer and her family stop by. And then there are the boys... any time they show up I stop what I'm doing and focus my attention on them. This time is usually spent watching them while they play on the swing set!
My sugars have continued to stay down, however, the neuropathy in my hands and feet have greatly increased over the last few weeks. With that, my medication has once again changed and increased. The amount of bleeding that I experience has increased, but this is chalked up to the increased amount of, as well as the harshness of the pain pills that I am requiring. Hopefully, this will dissipate after surgery, resulting in the reduction in pain.
As I'm writing this I've found myself pausing and reflecting on my life... it's very important to me that you don't have the wrong impression of my life. It's important to me that you know that I couldn't ask for anything better then the life my Lord has given me.
PR (my pastor) sent a note to me earlier this week... I'm going to share part of his note with you...
Philippians 4:11-13
11Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.
12I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
13I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
When we learn to be content whatever the circumstances, it takes away the power of the enemy (Satan). It takes away his ability to frustrate us. Not only that, but by our actions we are showing our faith in God. When you choose to trust in His timing, you can live in peace, you can live in joy, and you can rest in Him knowing that He has good things in store for your future.
Love to all,
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