Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18, 2010

I'm really going to make an attempt at sending these out on a regular basis. There is so much to share about the day-to-day goings-on and how God is continuing to work in my life.

Most of you who are reading this already know my story. Recently God allowed me to see a scripture that I have read over and over again; but this time it applied to me in a different way. This specific scripture will allow me to more easily share how God has worked in my life over the last several weeks.

The scripture is the entirety of Psalm 116; but in an attempt at shortening this entry I am selecting just a few of the verses.

Psalm 116:1, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 19

Verse 1 reads
I love the Lord, because He hears my voice and my supplications.

I have cried out to the Lord daily over the past several years in regards to my health. I've gone from being in relatively good health to lying in a hospital bed not knowing if God was going to allow me to take another breathe. I knew my Lord heard me, but I also knew that His choice for me during those times was with the answer being no or not right now.

Verse 4 reads
I called upon the name of the Lord: "O Lord, I beseech you, save my life!"

My plea at times would be Lord, please heal my body and restore my health. Other times I would cry out to Him that I no longer wanted to live a life of constant pain along with a continued deterioration of my health.

Verse 9 reads
I shall walk before the Lord in the land of the living.

Most of you are aware that I have recently undergone one of the more serious of the multitude of surgeries that I have experienced over the last 8 years.

The doctors had given me a 50% chance of surviving this surgery. (If you are unfamiliar with my story then you will need to spend some time reading this blog to catch up.)

The surgery went extremely well and I was not put on life support. (It was fully expected that I would be kept on a respirator for at least the beginning of my recovery. This ended up being one of many miracles from my Lord over the last several weeks.)

And then the waiting began... Would the constant (almost every minute of every day) migraines continue? Would I regain the feeling and strength in my left arm?

When I first awoke from surgery I was furious... I was in more pain at that time then I was in prior to surgery. The problem was believed that my right shoulder had been dislocated during surgery (I will explain that later); that turned out not to be the case (thank God). However, the first 2 - 3 days after surgery were spent on pain management and determining whether I would ever have use of this arm again (and this was my good arm prior to having surgery). Eventually the shoulder pain went away and I regained full use of that arm.

The numbness and strength in my left arm didn't disappear immediately as I believed that it would. I still have occasional numbness and loss of strength in that arm; but this too is a story for another day.

But there was one thing that did change; and this change was huge.

As time has passed over the last several weeks I have continued to converse with my Lord asking, has this really happened... have you really healed me from these headaches? It was then that I began to realize that I hadn't had one headache since the day of surgery (April 19th).

Verse 12 reads
What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?

It is true! Lord, my Lord, you have healed me from the headaches I have had for the last 3 1/2 years. The same headaches that have kept me bedridden nearly everyday of those 3 1/2 years.

How do I begin to thank my Lord for all that He had done for me?

Verse 18 reads
I shall pay my vows to the Lord, may it be in the presence of all His people.

Well it's been 2 months now and I have been sharing this miracle with just a few of you. After reading this scripture I realized that not only did I have a desire to, but that I needed to share this great and marvelous miracle with all of you!

Verse 19 reads
In the courts of the Lord's house; In the midst of you, O Jerusalem. Praise The Lord!

Take a moment and Praise the name of the Lord with me!


The Lord had been prodding me to send out this update for some time now; publicly thanking and giving praise to the One who has begun a healing in my body. The following scripture verse has continued to come to my mind and heart as I continue to rejoice.

Isaiah 55:12
For you shall go out with joy, and be lead out with peace. The mountains and the hills shall break into singing before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

Love to you all,
